A Step Toward Addressing Native American Homelessness

A Step Toward Addressing Native American Homelessness

by Eric Oberdorfer and Leslie Strauss

shelterforce_na_blog_postHomes in Indian Country are three times more likely to be crowded than those in the United States as a whole, according to the 2010 Census. Many of the people sleeping on sofas or floors in these crowded dwellings are homeless – not living outdoors or in a car, but not living in permanent homes of their own, either. Strong kinship networks often enable people to find a place to stay and there are few shelters and service providers in places with small, spread-out populations.

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10 Things That Did Not Happen in Rural Housing in 2012

10 Things That Did Not Happen in Rural Housing in 2012

10thingRLblogYear-end reviews generally cover events, but in 2012 the things that did not happen may have been more notable. That certainly seems to be the case regarding affordable housing for the lowest income residents of rural America. A couple of the non-events listed below are positive, but unfortunately most are not. Read More…

Rural Leaders Honored: a HAC Tradition Continues

David Dangler, Director of NeighborWorks America’s Rural Initiative, wrote a blog highlighting the importance of HAC’s Rural Housing Awards Banquet as an opportunity to recognize excellence in rural housing that too often goes unnoticed.

Preapplications for FY12 MPR Preservation Program are Due Feb. 28, 2013

A notice of funding availability (NOFA) was published in the Federal Register on December 19, 2012 announcing FY12 funding for USDA Rural Development’s Multi-Family Housing Preservation and Revitalization Demonstration Program, better known as MPR.

Preapplications are due February 28, 2013.

No additional USDA Rental Assistance is available for properties participating in this MPR round.

For more information, contact Sherry Engel, 715-345-7677 or Tiffany Tietz, 616-942–4111, ext. 126.

Basic Challenges Outlast Housing Crisis in Rural America

Basic Challenges Outlast Housing Crisis in Rural America

By Lance George
December 20, 2012

The United States is emerging from one of the most extensive and painful economic crises in memory. It is well established that housing markets were at the heart of this crisis, and millions of American households lost, or continue to lose, their homes to foreclosure. While the recent housing crisis is not to be overlooked, far too many rural residents have struggled with housing problems and inadequacies for years, if not decades, before the national crisis hit. Read the full blog post…

Issues Facing Rural America – Discussion Session

Discussion on Key Rural Issues Continues

At the 2012 National Rural Housing Conference, HAC held a discussion session focusing on Issues Facing Rural America. Participants were asked to read discussion papers on one of seven topics and join in on a facilitated discussion of that topic. HAC will soon produce a report on the discussions from the Conference.

HAC is continuing the dialogue online. Join in the discussion at the Rural Affordable Housing Group and keep the ideas flowing.

Discussion Papers

Complete Set of Discussion Papers

Status of Section 502 Funds in the FY 2013 Continuing Resolution

On Thursday, October 25, Tom Carew of FAHE notified HAC that some USDA RD State offices are saying that they are out of Section 502 direct funds until the spring.

HAC spoke to USDA RD staff, who provided the explanation below of how 502 direct funds were distributed under the CR for the first six months of FY 2013. Some states asked for and have already used their full six months allocation. But some funds also were held back and are still available for special cases, as outlined below.

Explanation from USDA RD

Under the FY 2013 six month Continuing Resolution (CR), the Single Family Housing Direct 502 Loan Program received $347 Million in FY2013 loan level funding. The final Direct 502 loan annual appropriations have yet to be determined and the balance we receive for the remainder of the year will depend on what program level is approved. It is expected that the funds received from the CR may have to support our programs for the next six months.
Of the $347 Million received for 502 Direct Loans, 25% percent was kept in the National Office Reserve Fund (NORF) and the remaining 75% was distributed to the states, as follows
National Office Reserve Fund equals 25% of the total received.
-$70 Million (20%) is reserved for special loan types (Self Help, RHLP, CDFI, and applications packaged under an approved intermediary agreement) States that have these special loan types are not expected to use their formula allocations to obligate these loans, but rather request funding from the National Office reserve to cover them.
-$17 Million (5%) is reserved for NORF requested priorities (REO, subsequent, Colonias, Underserved, and Hardships loans).
State allocations represent 75% of the total received
-The remaining $260M (75%) was allocated to states. Each state* received a base allocation of $2 Million ($1.2M Low, $800K VL) with remaining funds allocated according to the 1940-L state allocation formula, with 60% of allocated funds to Low and 40% to Very low income categories.
*With the exception of West Pac which received an administrative allocation of $1 Million

Stacey Epperson Honored as Ashoka Fellow

Stacey Epperson, Executive Director of Next Step, has been selected as one of 11 recipients of an Ashoka fellowhip for leading social entrepreneurs. For more information on this award, go to Next Step’s website.

For more on Ashoka, visit https://usa.ashoka.org/.

Commissioning Youth – HAC Contributes to "Big Ideas: Children in the Southwest" from First Focus

bi2012-colonias_coverMoises Loza, HAC’s Executive Director, and Stefani Cox, former Research Assistant, authored a report on Commissioning Youth calling for the creation of a Colonias Regional Commission.  

This section is part of a larger report, Big Ideas: Children in the Southwestfrom First Focus.

USDA Extends Deadline and Makes Other Changes in Farm Labor Housing NOFA

In a notice that will be published in the Federal Register on Monday, September 24, 2012, USDA Rural Development extends the deadline to apply for Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing funds to October 31, 2012. The notice also changes provisions relating to use of Low Income Housing Tax Credits.

The September 24 notice will be available here until early in the morning of September 24. Then it will be posted in its official form here (click on the link for “today’s issue of the Federal Register”).

The NOFA, published in the Federal Register on July 18, 2012, is available here.