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HAC News: March 18, 2015

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March 18, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 6

• Members of Congress question budget’s self-help funding, minimum rents, and more • Castro includes rural in budget testimony • House and Senate Republicans release FY16 budgets • VA expands eligibility for SSVF NOFA •HUD requests input on HOPWA for abuse victims • USDA StrikeForce Initiative adds counties in Oklahoma and Puerto Rico • Gap between supply of and demand for affordable rental units continues to grow • Housing costs increasing for employed renters • HAC releases conference report • HAC sets “Serving Veterans in Rural America” conference for May 20

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 18, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 6

MEMBERS OF CONGRESS QUESTION BUDGET’S SELF-HELP FUNDING, MINIMUM RENTS, AND MORE. Appropriations Committee Chair Hal Rogers (R-KY) called the proposed reduction in funding for Section 523 self-help housing “troublesome” at a March 18 House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on the Administration’s FY16 budget request. Housing Administrator Tony Hernandez said carryover from FY15 will help fund self-help contracts, and that RD’s effort to improve underwriting and automation will lead to reduced wait times for loan approvals. Subcommittee Chair Robert Aderholt (R-AL) questioned funding decreases that have “been rejected [by Congress] many times in the past,” and also asked about the proposed $50 minimum rent. Hernandez said about 36,000 households would be eligible for hardship exemptions, where a rent of $25 would likely be required, and noted USDA is asking to access HHS income verification databases to confirm program eligibility. Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) inquired about RD’s reevaluation of how “rural in character” is defined to determine housing program eligibility. Hernandez replied the requirement is currently suspended and should be reinstated by September 2015. Subcommittee Ranking Member Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) pointed out this was the only hearing addressing rural poverty.

CASTRO INCLUDES RURAL IN BUDGET TESTIMONY. On March 11, HUD Secretary Julián Castro testified on HUD’s FY16 budget request before the Senate Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee. His written testimony, like the testimony prepared for the House Subcommittee on February 25, includes a section on rural America, focusing on Native American programs, colonias, and partnerships with USDA.

HOUSE AND SENATE REPUBLICANS RELEASE FY16 BUDGETS. Neither document includes specific spending levels for individual housing programs. The Senate Republicans’ budget proposal does not discuss housing. The House version says it will reform housing programs, without details except for positive mention of HUD’s Moving to Work program. It would also privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

VA EXPANDS ELIGIBILITY FOR SSVF NOFA. The Department of Veterans Affairs has made current Supportive Services for Veteran Families grantees with three-year, non-renewable grants eligible to apply under its February 3 NOFA (see HAC News, 2/4/15). The deadline is April 10. Contact SSVF staff, 877-737-0111.

HUD REQUESTS INPUT ON HOPWA FOR ABUSE VICTIMS. Comments are due April 13 on a demonstration that will award grants to states, local governments, and nonprofits to provide temporary housing to low-income victims of abuse or assault living with HIV/AIDS. Grantees must coordinate with local domestic violence and sexual assault service providers for client outreach and supportive services. Contact Amy Palilonis, HUD, 202-402-5916.

USDA STRIKEFORCE INITIATIVE ADDS COUNTIES IN OKLAHOMA AND PUERTO RICO. StrikeForce targets assistance to rural areas with chronic poverty. Parts of 21 states and the entire island of Puerto Rico are now included.

COMMENTS REQUESTED ON REDUCING USDA REGULATORY BURDENS. Comments are due May 18 on ways to modify regulations to streamline reporting and increase flexibility. Contact Michael Poe, USDA, 202-720-3257.

GAP BETWEEN SUPPLY OF AND DEMAND FOR AFFORDABLE RENTAL UNITS CONTINUES TO GROW. Affordable Housing is Nowhere to be Found for Millions, published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition,highlights the gaps at the national and state levels. Nationwide, only 31 affordable and available rental units exist for every 100 extremely low-income renter households. NLIHC says that, without government intervention, this gap will continue increasing.

HOUSING COSTS INCREASING FOR EMPLOYED RENTERS. Housing Landscape 2015, by the National Housing Conference’s Center for Housing Policy, reports housing affordability has improved slightly for low- and moderate-income working households, but costs continue to increase for working renters. Minority-headed households – except for American Indians and Native Alaskans – have a notably higher housing cost burden than white-headed households.

HAC RELEASES CONFERENCE REPORT. Events from the 2014 HAC Rural Housing Conference are reviewed briefly in the final report, which includes links to videos of each plenary session as well as materials from select workshops. [tdborder][/tdborder]

HAC SETS “SERVING VETERANS IN RURAL AMERICA” CONFERENCE FOR MAY 20. Cosponsored by HAC and The Home Depot Foundation, this event in Washington, DC will provide information on housing, health, and employment needs and programs for rural veterans, with a special focus on successful local projects. Confirmed speakers include Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), other government officials, and representatives of several local rural housing organizations. There is no charge, but registration is requested. To register or for more information, email janice@ruralhome.org.

HAC News: March 4, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 4, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 5

• First hearing for FY16 housing funding held • USDA offers rural vouchers • Section 502 guarantee rule changes offered • RD sets national square footage for modest housing • Supportive Services for Veteran Families regulations completed • HUD issues guidance on service to LGBT and transgender individuals • State CDBG program guide updated • HUD compares Housing Trust Fund and HOME • Section 8 guidance covers Davis-Bacon’s applicability to existing housing • Study shows how energy efficiency in rental housing helps affordability • “How Housing Matters” website launched • Interactive map shows racial/ethnic diversity by age for counties

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 4, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 5

FIRST HEARING FOR FY16 HOUSING FUNDING HELD. On February 25, HUD Secretary Julián Castro testified before the House Appropriations Committee’s Transportation-HUD Subcommittee about the Administration’s FY16 budget request (see HAC News, 2/4/15). Rep. David Valadao (R-CA) asked how much of HUD’s funding goes to rural places and how HUD can serve rural America. Castro responded with the proportions of CDBG and HOME dollars used in rural areas. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) asked about HUD activities in the colonias. Castro described the budget request to increase the CDBG setaside for colonias to 15% from the current 10%. The subcommittee will hold another hearing on HUD funding for housing and one for community development. The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee has scheduled a March 18 hearing on USDA Rural Development, including the rural housing programs.

USDA OFFERS RURAL VOUCHERS. Section 542vouchers are for tenants of RD-financed Section 515 properties where the RD loan has been prepaid or foreclosed on after September 30, 2005. A notice will be published in the March 9 Federal Register. Contact an RD office or Stephanie B.M. White, RD, 202-720-1615.

SECTION 502 GUARANTEE RULE CHANGES OFFERED. USDA RD proposes to amend its regulations for the single-family guaranteed loan program on the subjects of lender indemnification, principal reduction, refinancing, and qualified mortgage requirements. Comments are due May 4. Contact Lilian Lipton, USDA, 202-260-8012.

RD SETS NATIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR MODEST HOUSING. In recent years, regional guidelines have been used for square footage, which is one factor in determining what homes are “modest” and eligible for the Section 502 direct and 504 programs. An Unnumbered Letter dated March 3, 2015 sets a nationwide guideline at 1,800 square feet. State Directors can approve exceptions. Contact Chris Ketner, RD, 202-690-1530.

SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FOR VETERAN FAMILIES REGULATIONS COMPLETED. The VA issued final regulations for the program, which makes grants to entities that provide supportive services to very low-income veterans and families who are at risk for becoming homeless or who have recently become homeless. Contact John Kuhn, 877-737-0111 (toll-free).

HUD ISSUES GUIDANCE ON SERVICE TO LGBT AND TRANSGENDER INDIVIDUALS. Notice H 2015-01 reminds stakeholders that regulations prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identify, or marital status apply to housing financed or insured by HUD. To ask questions about this notice, contact the FHA Resource Center, 800-CALLFHA (800-225-5342). Notice CPD-15-02 addresses appropriate placement for transgender persons in single-sex emergency shelters and other facilities, telling providers they should generally place individuals in shelters serving the gender with which they identify. Submit questions on this notice online.

STATE CDBG PROGRAM GUIDE UPDATED. Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities for State CDBG Programs, published by HUD, describes and provides examples of eligible activities and details the process for selecting activities that properly address a national objective.

HUD COMPARES HOUSING TRUST FUND AND HOME. A brief table highlights the key differences in the programs.

SECTION 8 GUIDANCE COVERS DAVIS-BACON’S APPLICABILITY TO EXISTING HOUSING. In the March 9 Federal Register HUD will publish information supplementing its rules on applying the Davis-Bacon Act’s wage requirements to existing housing involved in the Section 8 project-based voucher program. Contact Becky Primeaux, HUD, 202-708-2815.

STUDY SHOWS HOW ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN RENTAL HOUSING HELPS AFFORDABILITY. A report on research conducted for Housing Virginia by Virginia Tech’s Center for Housing Research states that residents of energy-efficient Low Income Housing Tax Credit developments, both urban and rural, saved an average of $54 a month on electricity bills, and those apartments outperformed new standard construction by over 40% with respect to energy consumption.

“HOW HOUSING MATTERS” WEBSITE LAUNCHED. The site, funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and created by the Urban Land Institute Terwilliger Center for Housing, is intended to be “the go-to place for the most rigorous research and practical information on how housing can contribute to better educational opportunities and outcomes for children; stronger economic foundations for families and communities; healthier people and neighborhoods.”

INTERACTIVE MAP SHOWS RACIAL/ETHNIC DIVERSITY BY AGE FOR COUNTIES. A Brookings Institution online map illustrates the racial composition of different age groups for each county and metropolitan area. Brookings notes that youth are considerably more diverse than elders. Detailed data are also provided.

HAC News: February 18, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

February 18, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 4

• February is National African American History Month • USDA offers Household Water Well System grants • HUD-VASH vouchers will expand to Native American communities • Regulators request input on CRA and other banking rules • HUD announces Annual Adjustment Factors • USDA RD revamps website • Worst case housing needs drop • Changes in housing and other policies could reduce child poverty by 60% nationwide • HUD reports on ways housing matters to children • Affordable housing can improve educational outcomes • Sequestration and its impacts described • Economic recovery is bypassing millions of Americans, CFED reports • Regulatory costs may drive small bank mergers

HAC News Formats. pdf

February 18, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 4

FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. President Obama’s proclamation is online.

USDA OFFERS HOUSEHOLD WATER WELL SYSTEM GRANTS. Nonprofits can apply by April 13 for grants to establish lending programs enabling homeowners to borrow up to $11,000 to construct or repair household water wells for existing homes. Contact Joyce M. Taylor, RUS, 202-720-9589.

HUD-VASH VOUCHERS WILL EXPAND TO NATIVE AMERICAN COMMUNITIES. HUD has announced it will dedicate $4 million to make vouchers for about 650 homeless veterans available in Native communities for the first time. Comments on program design are due February 25 to tribalhudvashcomments@hud.gov. Contact HUD’s Office of Native American Programs.

REGULATORS REQUEST INPUT ON CRA AND OTHER BANKING RULES. Comments are due May 14. The Federal Reserve, FDIC, and Comptroller of the Currency pose questions about ways to reduce regulatory burden, particularly on community banks and small lenders.

HUD ANNOUNCES ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS. The FY15 AAFs will be used to adjust Section 8 rents on contract anniversaries. Contact Becky Primeaux, HUD, 202-708-1380.

USDA RD REVAMPS WEBSITE. The new site, https://www.rd.usda.gov, moves regulations, handbooks, and other guidance documents to https://www.rd.usda.gov/publications/regulations-guidelines.

WORST CASE HOUSING NEEDS DROP. From 2011 to 2013 the number of worst case needs – very low-income renter households who do not receive government housing assistance and who pay more than one-half of their income for rent, live in severely inadequate conditions, or both – fell from 8.5 million to 7.7 million. Increases in renter incomes and limited increases in rents are probably responsible, according to the executive summary of HUD’s annual worst case needs report. In 2013 there were still 1.6 very low-income households with worst case needs for every very low-income household that received rental assistance, HUD says. The full report will be released this spring.

CHANGES IN HOUSING AND OTHER POLICIES COULD REDUCE CHILD POVERTY BY 60% NATIONWIDE. Child poverty in nonmetro places could be cut by 68.2%, according to Reducing Child Poverty in the U.S., prepared by the Urban Institute for the Children’s Defense Fund. The report examines the poverty reduction impact of nine policies, ranging from expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to increasing SNAP benefits. Expanding the availability of housing vouchers would reduce child poverty by 21.3% in metro areas and 16.4% in nonmetro places. The report, a summary of recommendations, and a blog post are available online.

HUD REPORTS ON WAYS HOUSING MATTERS TO CHILDREN. An issue of HUD’s Evidence Matters newsletter focuses on how housing matters for children’s physical and emotional health, achievement in school, and economic opportunity. A HAC Rural Research Note summarizes some of the research’s implications for rural children.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING CAN IMPROVE EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES. An updated literature review by the National Housing Conference’s Center for Housing Policy presents key findings from research showing that stable, affordable housing may foster educational success by supporting family financial stability, reducing mobility, providing safe, nurturing living environments, and providing a platform for community development.

SEQUESTRATION AND ITS IMPACTS DESCRIBED. The government spending reductions required by the 2011 Budget Control Act are now achieved through spending caps, not across-the-board cuts as in FY13. A new paper by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities describes the mechanisms established in the law, how policymakers subsequently modified them, and the resulting effects on non-defense appropriations. It notes that under the BCA “in inflation-adjusted terms, the 2016 cap would be 17 percent below the 2010 level.”

ECONOMIC RECOVERY IS BYPASSING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS, CFED REPORTS. Excluded from the Financial Mainstream presents the main findings from CFED’s 2015 Assets and Opportunity Scorecard, which evaluates 135 different policy and outcome measures in five categories including housing. Infographics and interactive maps are also available online.

REGULATORY COSTS MAY DRIVE SMALL BANK MERGERS. The State and Fate of Community Banking, a Harvard Kennedy School working paper, reports that community banks play a major role in rural areas and in agriculture, small business, and residential mortgage lending. Since 2010 the total share of bank assets held by community banks, especially small ones, has fallen significantly, and the report concludes the increased costs of regulation under the Dodd-Frank Act are a likely cause.

HAC News: February 4, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

February 4, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 3

• FY16 funding process begins • Rural housing budget requests more rental funding, less for self-help, and minimum rent for tenants • HUD proposed budget for 2016 boosts funding • HUD issues Housing Trust Fund interim rule • Property owners must notify tenants before final payment on Section 515 or 514 loans • Guidance issued to help RD staff set voucher amounts • RD announces FY15 funding policy for Sec. 523 self-help grants • CFPB hopes to facilitate small creditor and rural lending • Supportive Services for Veteran Families grantees can apply for renewals • FHFA proposes minimum financial thresholds for non-banks

[tdborder][/tdborder]HAC News Formats. pdf

February 4, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 3

FY16 FUNDING PROCESS BEGINS. On February 2 the Obama Administration released its budget request for FY16, which begins October 1, 2015. The total for discretionary programs exceeds the Budget Control Act’s caps. The next step will be congressional hearings. More details about the budget’s housing portions are on HAC’s website. HAC will present a rural housing budget webinar on February 6, which will be archived online for later listening.

RURAL HOUSING BUDGET REQUESTS MORE RENTAL FUNDING, LESS FOR SELF-HELP, AND MINIMUM RENT FOR TENANTS. The budget would keep many of USDA’s rural housing programs at or near their FY15 levels, and would increase funds for some. Only $10 million is requested for Section 523 self-help; RD officials told HAC they expect to have enough carryover funds available to renew expiring contracts. Like last year’s budget, this one proposes some changes in the Rental Assistance program, including a $50 minimum rent. Some Section 515 funds would be available for new construction. Section 542 voucher funding would be more than doubled, and vouchers would be available for tenants of Section 515 properties leaving the program for any reason, not just foreclosure.

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)



FY15 Admin. Bdgt.


FY16 Admin. Bdgt.

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.






514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.






516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.






521 Rental Assistanceb






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester or 2.5% across the board cut. b. The final FY13 appropriation for RA included a $3 million 514/516 setaside; the final appropriations for FY14 and FY15 have no setasides.

HUD PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2016 BOOSTS FUNDING. The budget proposes increases above 2015 appropriated levels in almost all HUD programs. CDBG would be cut, but it and many others are proposed at the same levels as in the President’s FY15 budget. The maximum CDBG setaside for Southwest border colonias would increase to 15% from the current 10%. No funds are requested for the Rural Innovation Fund or the Rural Housing and Economic Development program. For the third year in a row, the budget proposes to make SHOP a $10 million setaside within HOME. Also proposed is a new $300 million “Local Housing Policy Grants” program for localities “to support new policies, programs, or regulatory initiatives, such as design options, process changes, and land use regulations.”

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)



Admin. Bdgt.


Admin. Bdgt.

Cmty. Devel. Fund






SHOP setaside






Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)






Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
VASH setaside






Project-Based Rental Asstnce.






Public Hsg. Capital Fund






Public Hsg. Operating Fund






Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative






Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant






Homeless Assistance Grantsd






Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS






202 Hsg. for Elderly






811 Hsg. for Disabled






Fair Housing






Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.






Housing Counseling






Local Housing Policy Grants


a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester. b. In FY13, FY14, and FY15 SHOP was funded under the Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program account. Recent Obama budgets have proposed making the program a setaside in HOME. Congress has rejected that proposal. c. VASH vouchers for homeless veterans would be part of a new $177.5 million account of incremental rental vouchers for families, veterans, and tribal families experiencing homelessness and for victims of domestic violence. d. Includes the Rural Housing Stability Program, which is not yet operational.

HUD ISSUES HOUSING TRUST FUND INTERIM RULE. HUD will request public comments on the interim rule after funding is available and states gain experience administering the HTF. Contact Marcia Sigal, HUD, 202-708-2684. HUD has also launched an HTF resource page and an email list. HTF funding is expected to be available from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (see HAC News, 12/22/14), although H.R. 574, introduced in Congress, would block those monies.

PROPERTY OWNERS MUST NOTIFY TENANTS BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT ON SECTION 515 OR 514 LOANS. An Unnumbered Letter dated Jan. 16, 2015 provides a form letter for property owners, requiring them to notify tenants 12 months before a USDA loan will be paid off in the regular course of business. (It does not apply when a loan is prepaid.) The form letter lists provisions to be included in the letter to tenants. HAC recommended this action in a letter to USDA last August (see HAC News, 8/20/14). Contact Laura L. Horn, 386-328-5051, ext. 100.

GUIDANCE ISSUED TO HELP RD STAFF SET VOUCHER AMOUNTS. Section 542 vouchers – for tenants in properties with prepaid or foreclosed Section 515 mortgages – are based on rents for modest apartments in the same market area. An Unnumbered Letter dated Jan. 16, 2015 explains how to calculate these comparable market rents. Contact Thomas Ale, USDA, 202-720-1620.

RD ANNOUNCES FY15 FUNDING POLICY FOR SEC. 523 SELF-HELP GRANTS. A message sent to USDA RD’s single-family email list explains that grantees funded in FY14 at 90% of their request can request the remaining 10%. Existing grantees performing satisfactorily may renew at the same amount as their current grants. One new grantee will be selected in each region and new grantees can also replace grantees that have left the program. Contact an RD office.

CFPB HOPES TO FACILITATE SMALL CREDITOR AND RURAL LENDING. Comments are due March 30 on a proposed rule that would expand the definitions of small creditors and rural places in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s mortgage regulations. It would also make some time frames more flexible for small creditors and those serving rural or underserved places. Contact Amanda Quester, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FOR VETERAN FAMILIES GRANTEES CAN APPLY FOR RENEWALS. Nonprofits and consumer cooperatives with existing SSVF programs can apply by March 17 for grants to prevent veteran homelessness. Contact the VA’s SSVF staff, 877-737-0111, SSVF@va.gov.

FHFA PROPOSES MINIMUM FINANCIAL THRESHOLDS FOR NON-BANKS. These new eligibility requirements include net worth, capital, and liquidity criteria for mortgage seller/servicers to do business with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. FHFA is accepting comments before finalizing the criteria in the second quarter of 2015, but has no specific deadline.

HAC News: January 21, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

January 21, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 2

• State of the Union message addresses broad themes, touches on housing • President’s FY16 budget expected February 2 • Rural housing program eligibility changes effective February 2 • Congressional committee leadership takes shape • Fair housing comments reopened on one issue for small entities • EPA suggests altering lead paint training rule • HUD proposes changes for project-based Section 8 and for Section 202 • New USDA notice issued on domestic violence • USDA RD reminds staff of prepayment requirements • RD gives lead paint guidance • Map shows FHA premium cuts by county • LIHTC tenants described in HUD publication •

January 21, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 2

STATE OF THE UNION MESSAGE ADDRESSES BROAD THEMES, TOUCHES ON HOUSING. President Obama’s January 20 speech began with the story of a Minnesota family who recently were able to buy their first home. A later mention of “lower mortgage premiums” apparently referred to the President’s recent action to lower HUD FHA mortgage costs (see HAC News, 1/7/15).

PRESIDENT’S FY16 BUDGET EXPECTED FEBRUARY 2. For the first time in several years, the Administration’s budget request will be released on time. The Budget Control Act’s spending caps will apply to final appropriations for FY16. Check ruralhome.org on February 2 for details.

CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP TAKES SHAPE. Chairs and ranking minority members of the housing-relevant committees in the new 114th Congress are mostly in place. In the Senate, Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) have been named chairman and ranking minority member on the Banking Committee. For the Appropriations Committee those spots are held by Thad Cochran (R-MS) and Barbara Mikulski (D-MD). New Senate Appropriations subcommittee chairmen and ranking members are Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) on Agriculture and Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jack Reed (D-RI) on Transportation-HUD. In the House, Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) and Maxine Waters (D-CA) continue as the chairman and ranking member of the Financial Services Committee. For that panel’s Housing and Insurance Subcommittee, Reps. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) and Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) are the new leaders. Harold Rogers (R-KY) and Nita Lowey (D-NY) continue as chairman and ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) will continue as chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development, and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) will be the new chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation-HUD. Ranking minority members are Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) continuing on the Agriculture Subcommittee and Rep. David Price (D-NC) as the new ranking on T-HUD.

FAIR HOUSING COMMENTS REOPENED ON ONE ISSUE FOR SMALL ENTITIES. In response to comments received on its July 2013 proposed rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, HUD is considering giving states, insular areas, small PHAs, and small entitlement jurisdictions more time than others to prepare their first Assessments of Fair Housing. Comments on this specific topic are due February 17. Contact Camille Acevedo, HUD, 202-708-1793.

EPA SUGGESTS ALTERING LEAD PAINT TRAINING RULE. Intended to reduce burdens on industry and the EPA, a proposed rule would eliminate the requirement that refresher training for renovators have a hands-on component, remove jurisdiction-specific certification and accreditation requirements, and clarify requirements for training providers. Comments are due February 13. Contact Marc Edmonds, EPA, 202-566-0758.

HUD PROPOSES CHANGES FOR PROJECT-BASED SECTION 8 AND FOR SECTION 202. Comments are due March 16. One proposed rule would amend HUD’s regulations for Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs) at project-based Section 8 properties, and reduce payments HUD makes to owners for vacant project-based Section 8 or Section 202 units. Another would reduce the frequency of MORs. Contact Lauryn Alleva, HUD, 202-708-3730.

NEW USDA NOTICE ISSUED ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Administrative Notice 4778 (Jan. 5, 2015) clarifies and updates AN 4747 (Feb. 10, 2014) (see HAC News, 8/20/14), applying the Violence Against Women Act to USDA’s multifamily programs. Contact Barbara Chism, RD, 202-690-1436.

USDA RD REMINDS STAFF OF PREPAYMENT REQUIREMENTS. An Unnumbered Letter dated Dec. 17, 2014 tells field staff that owners of multifamily properties cannot avoid the prepayment process by intentionally defaulting on loan payments. Contact an RD state office.

RD GIVES LEAD PAINT GUIDANCE. Administrative Notice 4780 (Nov. 12, 2014) provides guidance on RD compliance with HUD’s rule on preventing lead-based paint poisoning. Contact an RD state office.

MAP SHOWS FHA PREMIUM CUTS BY COUNTY. HUD reported that recently announced premium cuts (see HAC News, 1/7/15) will save FHA borrowers an average of $900 annually. To break down that average, realty information company Realtytrac mapped data showing the savings for median priced homes in many metro counties, ranging from $118 to over $7,900. HousingWire lists the counties with the lowest and highest savings.

LIHTC TENANTS DESCRIBED IN HUD PUBLICATION. HUD compiled data from state housing agencies on Low Income Housing Tax Credit tenants’ race and ethnicity, disability status, family composition and age, household income, monthly rental payments and use of rental assistance. Understanding Whom the LIHTC Program Serves presents the information nationally and for each state.

HAC News: January 7, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

January 7, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 1

• New Congress convenes • Obama announces lower FHA mortgage insurance rate • Rural housing program eligibility changes effective February 2 • HUD proposes regulatory changes for vouchers, public housing, and other programs • Changes to BIA’s Housing Improvement Program proposed • Final credit risk retention rule defines QRM as QM • Family Self-Sufficiency Programs merged • Housing tax credit properties can achieve deep affordability without vouchers, report says • Paper explores connections between rural community and rural poverty • HAC webinar on seniors set for January 13

January 7, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 1

NEW CONGRESS CONVENES. In the new 114th Congress starting this week, some of the committee leadership posts are clear. Rep. Harold Rogers (R-KY) continues as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) will lead the Senate appropriations panel. Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) continues as head of the House Financial Services Committee, and Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) will be the new chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. On the Democratic side, Reps. Nita Lowey of NY and Maxine Waters of CA will continue as the ranking minority members on House Appropriations and Financial Services. In the Senate, Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) will be the top Democrat on Appropriations. Other Democratic spots and most subcommittee leaders have not yet been announced. As reported in the HAC News, 12/10/14, Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) will continue as chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development, and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) will be the new chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation-HUD.

OBAMA ANNOUNCES LOWER FHA MORTGAGE INSURANCE RATE. The rate will drop by 0.5 percentage point from 1.35% to 0.85%. The President’s statement says the change will save an average of $900 annually for new borrowers and also reiterates support for housing finance reform.

RURAL HOUSING PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY CHANGES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 2. USDA RD will implement a 2014 Farm Bill’s provision making places ineligible that were formerly considered rural, but have populations over 35,000 as of the 2010 Census. See RD’s “future eligible areas” maps. Applications from these places will be processed if completed before February 2. Contact an RD office or Mike Feinberg, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HUD PROPOSES REGULATORY CHANGES FOR VOUCHERS, PUBLIC HOUSING, AND OTHER PROGRAMS. Updates would put recent statutory changes into effect and would align program requirements for Housing Choice Vouchers (tenant- and project-based) and public housing. Section 202, Section 811, and other multifamily housing programs are also affected, as well as HOME, the Continuum of Care program, and HOPWA. Comments are due March 9, 2015. Contacts for each program are listed in the notice.

CHANGES TO BIA’S HOUSING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROPOSED. HIP provides grants to tribal members for repair, renovation, or replacement of existing housing. Comments are due March 6 on changes that are intended to align the program with other federal requirements, allow leveraging of housing funds, and expedite processing of waiting lists. BIA will host consultation sessions with tribes in February; for details, visit https://www.bia.gov/WhoWeAre/AS-IA/ORM/HIP/index.htm. Contact Mr. Les Jensen, BIA, 907-586-7397.

FINAL CREDIT RISK RETENTION RULE DEFINES QRM AS QM. “Qualified residential mortgages” are exempt from the Dodd-Frank Act’s requirement for lenders to retain part of the credit risk of assets that collateralize asset-backed securities. Federal regulators have adopted a definition proposed in 2013 (see HAC News, 9/25/13): a QRM is the same as a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau “qualified mortgage” and need not have a 20% downpayment. Also exempt are mortgages made by state HFAs, CDFIs, CHDOs (for HOME-funded projects), small-volume nonprofits, and others. Contact Ronald P. Sugarman, FHFA, 202-649-3208.

FAMILY SELF-SUFFICIENCY PROGRAMS MERGED. Implementing a provision in its FY14 appropriations act, HUD has unified the programs, formerly separate for participants with Housing Choice Vouchers and those in public housing. Contact Anice Chenault, HUD, 202-402-2341.

HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROPERTIES CAN ACHIEVE DEEP AFFORDABILITY WITHOUT VOUCHERS, REPORT SAYS. A new National Low Income Housing Coalition publication, Aligning Federal Low Income Housing Programs with Housing Need, says Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties rarely serve extremely low-income households (at or below 30% of area median income) without vouchers, but presents five case studies of innovative strategies that do not use vouchers.

PAPER EXPLORES CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RURAL COMMUNITY AND RURAL POVERTY. “Understanding Connections between Rural Communities and Family Well-Being: A Study of Hampton, Iowa,” published by the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire, examines the role of “place” in shaping the futures of rural residents, particularly low-income residents.

HAC WEBINAR ON SENIORS SET FOR JANUARY 13. Register now forRural Seniors and Their Homes: Planning for a Rapidly Aging Rural America” to learn more about the demographic, economic, and housing trends of seniors and near-seniors in rural America as well as their housing options.

HAC News: December 22, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

December 22, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 25

• FY15 spending bill signed into law • Tax extenders bill includes LIHTC and NMTC • FHFA activates obligation to National Housing Trust Fund • FHFA interim rule prohibits pass-through of NHTF and CMF costs • Preliminary assessment tool released for USDA multifamily transfers • Regulations issued to replace several OMB circulars • RUS offers rural broadband grants • USDA prohibits age discrimination • Regulations change rural definition for single-family housing programs • Half of Native American mortgage applicants were denied in 2013 • New report suggests housing policy consider changes over time • Rural nonprofits have broad impact, report says • HAC summarizes data on homelessness • Conference photos and other materials now online

December 22, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 25

FY15 SPENDING BILL SIGNED INTO LAW. The “cromnibus” final spending bill for FY15 funds the Department of Homeland Security through February 27 and the rest of the government, including USDA and HUD, have full-year appropriations through September 30. For housing programs’ spending levels, see HAC News, 12/10/14.

TAX EXTENDERS BILL INCLUDES LIHTC AND NMTC. H.R. 5771, passed by the House and Senate, provides a minimum 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit rate and authorizes the New Markets Tax Credit for calendar year 2014. Since 2014 LIHTC allocations have already been distributed, the bill has little impact on that program.

FHFA ACTIVATES OBLIGATION TO NATIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND. On December 11, Federal Housing Finance Agency director Mel Watt instructed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to begin setting aside funds for the National Housing Trust Fund and Capital Magnet Fund. The NHTF will fund housing, mostly rental and mostly for extremely low-income households. The CMF provides funds to CDFIs and nonprofits to finance affordable housing and related economic development and community service facilities. HUD, which will operate the NHTF program, published proposed regulations in October 2010; Secretary Julián Castro announced final rules will be issued soon. The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates the first NHTF funds will be allocated to states in early 2016.

FHFA INTERIM RULE PROHIBITS PASS-THROUGH OF NHTF AND CMF COSTS. A Federal Housing Finance Agency interim final rule provides that the cost of Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s NHTF and CMF allocations may not be transferred to mortgage originators. Comments are due January 15. Contact Alfred M. Pollard, FHFA, 202-649-3050.

PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT TOOL RELEASED FOR USDA MULTIFAMILY TRANSFERS. Applicants are asked to use this tool before requesting ownership transfers and MPR-related transfers, to gauge if the proposed transactions will conform to USDA RD’s underwriting standards. Accompanying policy clarifications are being drafted for RD’s hand-book HB-3-3560. A separate tool will be provided for stay-in owner transactions. RD will conduct a webinar in January; HAC will report details when they are available. Request the tool from, or send comments to, Beverly Casey or an RD state office.

REGULATIONS ISSUED TO REPLACE SEVERAL OMB CIRCULARS. All federal award-making agencies, including USDA RHS, HUD, and VA, jointly issued an interim final rule that will apply to future federal awards. The rule implements the Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, superceding several circulars including A-110, A-122, and A-133. Comments are due February 17. Contact Victoria Collin or Gil Tran, OMB, 202-395-3993. More resources are at https://cfo.gov/COFAR./.

RUS OFFERS RURAL BROADBAND GRANTS. Nonprofits, for-profits, coops, limited liability companies, tribes, states, and local governments can apply by February 17 for Community Connect grants to provide broadband service to currently unserved areas. Contact Shawn Arner, RUS, 202-720-0800.

USDA PROHIBITS AGE DISCRIMINATION. Recipients of USDA funds may not discriminate based on age, except when age distinctions are necessary to achieve a program’s purpose. Comments are due January 9. Contact Anna G. Stroman, 202-205-5953.

REGULATIONS CHANGE RURAL DEFINITION FOR SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING PROGRAMS. The amendments implement revisions adopted in the 2014 Farm Bill (see HAC News, 2/5/14). Contact Shantelle Gordon, RHS, 202-205-9567.

HALF OF NATIVE AMERICAN MORTGAGE APPLICANTS WERE DENIED IN 2013. An Indian Country Today article reports that Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data show 51% of Indians and Native Alaskans applying for mortgages received them, while the rate for Native Hawaiians was 57%.

NEW REPORT SUGGESTS HOUSING POLICY CONSIDER CHANGES OVER TIME. Housing More People More Effectively through a Dynamic Housing Policy, published by the Bipartisan Policy Center, recommends moving from a static, transaction-focused housing policy to one that focuses on a broader time horizon and considers how things change over time at the property, household, and neighborhood levels.

RURAL NONPROFITS HAVE BROAD IMPACT, REPORT SAYS. The National Rural Housing Coalition’s Impact Report: The Economic and Human Impact of Nonprofit Organizations on Rural America estimates that in 2013 alone, nonprofit organizations generated $380 million in economic activity and created over 40,000 jobs in rural communities.

HAC SUMMARIZES DATA ON HOMELESSNESS. “Homelessness Declines but is Still Difficult to Assess in Rural Areas” is based on data released by HUD (see HAC News, 11/12/14).

CONFERENCE PHOTOS AND OTHER MATERIALS NOW ONLINE. Visit https://Ruralhome.org/calendar/nrhconf/1061-materials-from-the-2014-hac-conference for links to workshop materials via the conference app, photos, and videos.

HAC News: December 10, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

December 10, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 24

• Congress nears final action on 2015 spending • House passes NAHASDA reauthorization • New appropriations panel chairs announced • Mensah sworn in at USDA • USDA issues limited English proficiency guidance • VA adopts final HISA program regulation • HUD extends deadline for 202/811 comments • Email list for USDA direct single-family housing loan programs launched • HAC honors rural housing leaders • HAC Rural Housing Conference materials available • Rural Voices covers poverty in rural America • New HAC report examines senior housing

December 10, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 24

CONGRESS NEARS FINAL ACTION ON 2015 SPENDING. A wrap-up spending bill for FY 2015 was unveiled by House appropriators on December 9. The bill (H.R. 83) has been labeled a “cromnibus” because it provides a continuing resolution (CR) for the Department of Homeland Security through February 27 and an omnibus for the rest of the government, including USDA and HUD, through September 30. Republicans opposed to the President’s recent actions on immigration will look further at that issue in DHS appropriations when the new Congress convenes in January. The House is expected to pass the bill this week but the current government-wide CR expires December 11, so another two- or three-day CR may be needed for final Senate consideration. Check HAC’s web site for updates.

USDA. Rejecting most of the Administration’s FY 2015 budget proposals, H.R. 83 retains funding for Section 502 direct loans and the Rural Community Development Initiative and increases Section 523 self-help. It does not adopt the Administration’s request for minimum rents but does prohibit renewal of RA contracts that use up their funding before their full 12-month terms, and directs USDA to report on RA implementation by June 1, 2015. The bill also continues the pilot packaging program for Section 502 direct loans. The table below has details. [tdborder][/tdborder]

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)



Admn. Bdgt.

FY15 Hse. Bill H.R. 4800

FY15 Sen. Bill S. 2389

FY15 Final
H.R. 83

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside







502 Single Family Guar.







504 VLI Repair Loans







504 VLI Repair Grants







515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.







514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.







516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.







521 Rental Assistanceb







523 Self-Help TA







533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants







538 Rental Hsg. Guar.







Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)







542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers







Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.







a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester or 2.5% across the board cut.
b. The final FY13 appropriation for RA included a $3 million 514/516 setaside; the final appropriations for FY14 and FY15 have no setasides.

HUD. The bill reduces funding for some HUD programs and provides level funding for others. Only Section 202 receives an increase. CDBG, HOME, rental assistance, and public housing have mostly small reductions below FY14 appropriated levels. SHOP, VASH vouchers for homeless veterans, Native American housing, AIDS housing, and lead hazard control all received the same levels as in 2014. The table below has details.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)



Admn. Bdgt.

FY15 Hse. Bill
H.R. 4745

FY15 Sen. Bill
S. 2438

FY15 Final
H.R. 83

Cmty. Devel. Fund







SHOP setaside







Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)







Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.
VASH setaside







Project-Based Rental Asstnce.







Public Hsg. Capital Fund







Public Hsg. Operating Fund







Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative







Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant







Homeless Assistance Grantsc







Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS







202 Hsg. for Elderly







811 Hsg. for Disabled







Fair Housing







Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.







Housing Counseling







a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester.
b. In FY13 and FY14 SHOP was funded under the Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program account. For FY15 the Administration’s budget proposed making the program a setaside in HOME. The final FY15 bill specifically rejects that proposal.
c. Includes the Rural Housing Stability Program, which is not yet operational.

HOUSE PASSES NAHASDA REAUTHORIZATION. H.R. 4329 would authorize housing programs for Native Americans and Native Hawaiians through FY18, but would limit funding each year to not more than the current $650 million level. The Senate bill (see HAC News, 8/6/14) does not cap funding.

NEW APPROPRIATIONS PANEL CHAIRS ANNOUNCED. For the new Congress convening in January, Rep. Harold Rogers (R-KY) continues in another term as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) continues as chairman of the Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) will be the new chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation-HUD.

MENSAH SWORN IN AT USDA. On December 5, Lisa Mensah was sworn in by USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack as the new Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development.

USDA ISSUES LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY GUIDANCE. The guidance is intended to help recipients of USDA funding ensure they do not discriminate against LEP persons. Contact Anna G. Stroman, USDA, 202-205-5953.

VA ADOPTS FINAL HISA PROGRAM REGULATION. The Home Improvements and Structural Alterations program serves disabled veterans. (See HAC News, 12/4/13.) Contact Shayla Mitchell, VA, 202-461-0366.

HUD EXTENDS DEADLINE FOR 202/811 COMMENTS. A notice in the December 11 Federal Register will move the deadline for comments on suggested regulatory changes (see HAC News, 10/17/14) to January 15. A HUD webinar about the proposal is posted online. Contact Alicia Anderson, HUD, 202-708-3000.

EMAIL LIST FOR USDA DIRECT SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING LOAN PROGRAMS LAUNCHED. USDA will use the list to distribute information about Section 502 direct, 504, and 523. Sign up for this or for lists covering the Section 502 guarantee program at https://www.rdlist.sc.egov.usda.gov/listserv/mainservlet.

HAC HONORS RURAL HOUSING LEADERS. At the HAC Rural Housing Conference, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Rep. Harold Rogers (R-KY) received the Henry B. González Award for elected officials. The Clay Cochran/Art Collings Award for national service went to former Sen. Kit Bond. Recipients of the Skip Jason Award for community achievement were Brad Bishop, Self-Help Homes, UT; Martha Mendez, Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, CA; Retha Patton, Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation, TN; and Andres Saavedra, Rural LISC, DC.

HAC RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE MATERIALS AVAILABLE. The conference app will remain active for at least six months, offering materials from each workshop, lists of attendees and speakers, and more. Videos of the plenary sessions, as well as photos taken throughout the event, will be posted soon. Check HAC’s website for updates.

RURAL VOICES COVERS POVERTY IN RURAL AMERICA. A special edition of HAC’s quarterly magazine asks what has changed since the War on Poverty was declared 50 years ago, what has not, and what can be done. Sign up online for email notices when new issues are published.

NEW HAC REPORT EXAMINES SENIOR HOUSING. Housing an Aging Rural America: Rural Seniors and Their Homes looks at the demographic characteristics of rural elders and considers ways to provide quality, affordable housing for them.

HAC News: November 12, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

November 12, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 23

• November is National Native American Heritage Month • Congress returns for lame duck sessionCongress returns for lame duck session • Judge strikes down HUD’s disparate impact rule • CFPB amends qualified mortgage regulation, HUD accepts some changes • Regulatory agencies propose flood insurance updates • Input requested for HUD Code changes • Farmworker incomes unchanged, averaging under $20,000 • HUD releases annual fair housing report • HUD reports reductions in homelessness • GAO recommends changes in program offering surplus federal property for homeless • HAC News takes a break • THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE!

November 12, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 23

NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH. President Obama’s proclamation also designates November 28 as Native American Heritage Day.

CONGRESS RETURNS FOR LAME DUCK SESSION. Both the House and Senate reconvene November 12 for a post-election session. A final FY15 spending package is on the agenda, with the current stopgap continuing resolution set to expire on December 11. Most observers are predicting a full-year continuing resolution or omnibus appropriations bill through September 30, 2015. Passage may be complicated, however, by the Obama administration’s request for $6.2 billion in emergency funds to fight Ebola. As reported in a HAC post on the Rooflines blog, some important committee positions will change in the new Congress, which takes office in January. HAC will post updates as available.

JUDGE STRIKES DOWN HUD’S DISPARATE IMPACT RULE. On November 3 a federal district court judge, ruling that HUD could not extend the Fair Housing Act’s ban on disparate treatment to include disparate impact, vacated HUD’s 2013 regulation on the subject (see HAC News, 2/20/13). During its current term the Supreme Court is expected to consider a different disparate impact case.

CFPB AMENDS QUALIFIED MORTGAGE REGULATION, HUD ACCEPTS SOME CHANGES. A final Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule adopts an April proposal (see HAC News, 5/14/14), exempting some nonprofits and loans by nonprofits from some requirements and providing a way to cure some points and fees that exceed the qualified mortgage limits. Contact CFPB’s Office of Regulations, 202-435-7700. CFPB’s nonprofit exemptions will apply also to HUD’s qualified mortgage rule, but HUD is not adopting CFPB’s new points and fees cure provision, instead providing guidance to mortgagees. Contact Michael P. Nixon, HUD, 202-402-5216, ext. 3094.

REGULATORY AGENCIES PROPOSE FLOOD INSURANCE UPDATES. The federal agencies that oversee lenders, including credit unions, suggest changes to implement statutory requirements. Comments are due December 29. Contact Rhonda L. Daniels, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 202-649-5405.

INPUT REQUESTED FOR HUD CODE CHANGES. Proposed revisions to HUD’s Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards are due December 31 and will be reviewed by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee as it develops recommendations to HUD. Contact Pamela Beck Danner, HUD, 202-708-6423.

FARMWORKER INCOMES UNCHANGED, AVERAGING UNDER $20,000. A new memo from Farmworker Justice examines data from the Department of Labor’s 2011-12 National Agricultural Workers Survey. One-quarter of farmworker families live in poverty but, since the survey does not include dependents outside the U.S., Farmworker Justice believes the figure should be higher. Survey responses indicated 48% of workers lack work authorization, but that figure is probably understated as well. In 2011-12, only 17% of crop workers were migrants, compared to 27% in 2007-09 and 42% in 2001-02.

HUD RELEASES ANNUAL FAIR HOUSING REPORT. Covering fiscal years 2012 and 2013, the report provides national and state level data on complaints filed and their disposition, as well as complaints initiated by HUD. Discrimination against persons with disabilities remains the largest category of complaints received.

HUD REPORTS REDUCTIONS IN HOMELESSNESS. HUD’s 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congresssays homelessness has dropped by 10% since 2010, and the number of people living on the street has declined 25%. Veteran homelessness has fallen 10.5% since 2013 and 33% since 2010. Data are available for each state and each Continuum of Care, some of which did experience increases from 2013 to 2014.

GAO RECOMMENDS CHANGES IN PROGRAM OFFERING SURPLUS FEDERAL PROPERTY FOR HOMELESS. Federal Real Property: More Useful Information to Providers Could Improve the Homeless Assistance Program (GAO-14-739) addresses HUD’s program that makes unused federal real property available to homeless assistance providers. Contact David J.Wise, GAO, 202-512-2834.

HAC NEWS TAKES A BREAK. The next issue of the HAC News is scheduled for the week of December 8, after the Thanksgiving holiday and the HAC Rural Housing Conference 2014. Check HAC’s website for news in the meantime.

THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE! Register online for the HAC Rural Housing Conference 2014: Retool, Rebuild, Renew, in Washington, DC, December 3-5 with pre-conference activities December 2. Contact HAC staff, registration@ruralhome.org.

HAC News: October 29, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

October 29, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 21

• Rent aid kept over 3 million people out of poverty in 2013 • Regulatory agencies align QRM with QM, drop requirement for large downpayments • HUD posts general section of FY15 NOFAs • Electronic signatures now accepted for Section 502 guaranteed loans • CFPB lists rural and underserved counties for 2015 • Public housing demolition and disposition proposal corrected • HUD provides guide to establishing smoke-free properties • GAO offers framework for assessing housing finance reform • Guide helps nonprofits to preserve Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties • 2013 American Housing Survey data released • Household participation in banking system increased, 2011 to 2013 • Have you investigated HAC’s Rural Data Portal? • HAC News e-mail subscribers get news faster

October 29, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 22

RENT AID KEPT OVER 3 MILLION PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY IN 2013. The Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2013, published by the Census Bureau, presents data with adjustments that are not taken into account in the official poverty measure (see HAC News, 9/17/14), including the impact of government programs assisting low-income people. A Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of the data shows that rental assistance alone kept 3 million people out of poverty, and all assistance programs lifted 39 million people above the poverty line.

REGULATORY AGENCIES ALIGN QRM WITH QM, DROP REQUIREMENT FOR LARGE DOWNPAYMENTS. As proposed in September 2013 (see HAC News, 9/25/13), final credit risk retention regulations define “qualified residential mortgages” the same way as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau defines “qualified mortgages.” Private mortgage lenders are expected to focus on QRM lending when the rule takes effect in October 2015, so a 2011 proposal that included a 20% downpayment in the QRM definition would have made it more difficult for low-income, minority, and first-time homebuyers to obtain mortgages. USDA Section 502 mortgages are all considered QRMs until USDA issues its own regulations on the subject. Contact Ronald P. Sugarman, FHFA, 202-649-3208 or Mike Feinberg, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HUD POSTS GENERAL SECTION OF FY15 NOFAS. As in the past, the general section will apply to all of HUD’s funding announcements for individual programs when they are issued. Contact HUD’s Office of Strategic Planning and Management, 202-708-0667.

ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES NOW ACCEPTED FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEED LOANS. Administrative Notice 4776 (September 23, 2014) “clarifies that lenders may use electronic signatures as long as the lender perfects and maintains a first lien position, an enforceable promissory note, and meets all other agency requirements.” Contact USDA RD’s Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Division, 202-720-1452.

CFPB LISTS RURAL AND UNDERSERVED COUNTIES FOR 2015. The designations apply to several Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulations.

PUBLIC HOUSING DEMOLITION AND DISPOSITION PROPOSAL CORRECTED. The proposed rule (see HAC News, 10/17/14) included an erroneous definition. Comments are still due December 15.

HUD PROVIDES GUIDE TO ESTABLISHING SMOKE-FREE PROPERTIES. Change is in the Air: An Action Guide for Establishing Smoke-Free Public Housing and Multifamily Properties provides reasons, best practices, and step by step guidance.

GAO OFFERS FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSING HOUSING FINANCE REFORM. Housing Finance System: A Framework for Assessing Potential Changes (GAO-15-131) describes and analyzes market developments since 2000 that have led to changes in the federal government’s role in the single-family housing finance system, and proposes a way to assess potential changes to the system. Contact Matt Scirè, GAO, 202-512-8678.

GUIDE HELPS NONPROFITS TO PRESERVE LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROPERTIES. Beyond Year 15: Preserving Housing Credit Projects & Portfolio, published by Enterprise Community Partners, includes organizational procedures for preparing for Year 15 events as well as strategies for repositioning communities for the long term. It covers all types of LIHTC projects but focuses on issues around the most challenging projects and approaches to address those challenges.

2013 AMERICAN HOUSING SURVEY DATA RELEASED. HUD’s press release highlights the findings from questions on new subjects including neighborhood involvement, disaster planning, and use of public transportation. AHS data also include housing conditions, ownership rates, costs, and more. Nationwide, from 2011 to 2013, costs for renters rose slightly, while owners’ costs fell. Summary tables are posted in Excel format.

HOUSEHOLD PARTICIPATION IN BANKING SYSTEM INCREASED, 2011 TO 2013. A report on the 2013 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households credits changes in economic conditions and household demographics for the decline in “unbanked” households. In both 2011 and 2013, FDIC’s survey found the highest unbanked rates among non-Asian minorities and households who were lower-income, younger, or unemployed, though the unbanked rate for Hispanics dropped from 2011 to 2013. The report includes data at the national, state, and metro levels.

HAVE YOU INVESTIGATED HAC’S RURAL DATA PORTAL? The Rural Data Portal is an easy-to-use, on-line resource that provides essential information on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of communities in the United States. It is targeted toward rural communities, but a wide range of information is presented for the nation, states, and counties for rural, suburban, and urban areas.

HAC NEWS E-MAIL SUBSCRIBERS GET NEWS FASTER. Subscribe to the HAC News by e-mail and receive it sooner, plus updates when important news occurs between issues.