If you need information on affordable rural housing and rural America in a quick, easy-to-digest format, you need the HAC News.

HAC News: May 25, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 25, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 11

HUD changes course on 2015 fair housing regulation• Senate committee approves 2019 USDA funding bill • House begins work on 2019 HUD funding • Dodd-Frank provisions rolled back for banks, manufactured homes • GAO makes recommendations to USDA and Congress on preserving rural rentals • Revised bills propose changes to preserve rural rental housing • Advocate’s guide to rural housing preservation published • Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants offered • USDA seeks partnerships in the Section 502 direct loan program • More Opportunity Zones announced • Farm Bill fails in House • Tribal VASH notices updated • Inclusionary zoning map shows local and state programs • African Americans and Hispanics still far from equal with whites, National Urban League reports

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 25, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 11

HUD changes course on 2015 fair housing regulation.
In January, HUD suspended implementation of a 2015 regulation that required local jurisdictions to prepare Assessments of Fair Housing (AFHs) to help meet their obligations to affirmatively further fair housing. On May 8, civil rights groups sued HUD for suspending the rule. HUD has now canceled January’s suspension, and instead has withdrawn the Assessment Tool that local governments were using to develop their AFHs. Like the January notice, this one means local governments will keep using the older Analysis of Impediments rather than the AFH. HUD says it is planning a series of national listening sessions regarding the Assessment Tool. Comments on the Assessment Tool are due July 23. For more information, contact Krista Mills, HUD, 202-402-6577. HUD also announced recently that it plans to request public comment on whether its 2013 regulation on the use of disparate impact to identify housing discrimination is consistent with the 2015 Supreme Court ruling on the subject.

Senate committee approves 2019 USDA funding bill.
On May 24 the Senate Appropriations Committee passed its FY19 funding bill for USDA. Most of its rural housing funding amounts are the same as the FY18 levels, with slight increases for MPR and vouchers. The Senate bill provides slightly lower levels than the House bill – which passed the House Appropriations Committee on May 16 – for Section 514 and 516 farm labor housing, Section 533, MPR, and vouchers.

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)

FY17 Approp.

FY18 Approp.

FY19 Admin. Budget

FY19 House Bill

FY19 Senate Bill (S. 2976)

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setasidea






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.






514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.






516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.






521 Rental Assistance






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






  1. Figures shown represent budget authority, not program levels.

House begins work on 2019 HUD funding.
On May 23 the House Appropriations Committee passed its FY19 funding bill for HUD. The bill would provide more funding than the Administration’s budget, but some reductions from FY18 levels. It introduces a new mobility demonstration that would allow families with children to move to areas with greater opportunity. The Senate will begin considering HUD appropriations the first week of June.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY17 Approp.

FY18 Final Approp.

FY19 Admin. Budget

FY19 House Bill











Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Veterans Home Rehab





Tenant-Based Rental Assstnce.
VASH setaside
Tribal VASH





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative





Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grt.





Homeless Assistance Grants





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.





Housing Counseling





* Includes amounts added by an Administration addendum to its budget request.

Dodd-Frank provisions rolled back for banks, manufactured homes.
On May 24 President Trump signed into law S. 2155, which passed the House on May 22 and the Senate in March. The measure does not affect the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but it removes some oversight for smaller banks, exempts 85% of lenders from some HMDA reporting, allows manufactured home retailers to make financing recommendations, and expands the ability of smaller lenders to make “Qualified Mortgages.” It also provides permanent authorization for HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program.

GAO makes recommendations to USDA and Congress on preserving rural rentals.
The Government Accountability Office reviewed RHS’s efforts to address the possible loss of affordable rural rental housing due to maturing mortgages and made six recommendations. Rural Housing Service: Better Data Controls, Planning, and Additional Options Could Help Preserve Affordable Rental Units suggests that Congress consider authorizing Section 521 Rental Assistance and vouchers for tenants in properties whose mortgages have matured. Its recommendations for RHS include improving data accuracy, updating online preservation information regularly, and setting, monitoring, and reporting on preservation goals.

Revised bills propose changes to preserve rural rental housing.
Rep. Annie Kuster (D-NH) and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) have introduced new versions of the Rural Housing Preservation Act, introduced in 2016 in the previous Congress but not acted upon then. This year’s H.R. 5352 and S. 2574 would authorize vouchers for tenants in maturing mortgage properties, decouple Rental Assistance from Section 515 and 514 mortgages so it could be available for tenants in maturing mortgage properties, require uniform standards for transfers of Section 515 properties with LIHTCs, and permanently authorize USDA’s Multifamily Preservation and Revitalization Program. Committee action has not been scheduled for either bill.

Advocates’ guide to rural housing preservation published.
The National Housing Law Project has released An Advocate’s Guide to Rural Housing Preservation: Prepayments, Mortgage Maturities, and Foreclosures. Intended for advocates and legal services attorneys, the guide provides information, strategies, references, and sample pleadings and case materials. For more information, contact Jessica Cassella , NHLP.

Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants offered.
Local and tribal governments, PHAs and IHAs, and owners of HUD-assisted housing may apply by September 17 for grants to implement Transformation Plans that address distressed housing, improved household outcomes, and reinvestment in neighborhoods. For more information, contact HUD staff.

USDA seeks partnerships in the Section 502 direct loan program.
USDA RD wants to increase participation with intermediaries, qualified nonprofit packagers, and self-help grantees across the U.S. to raise their packaging of Section 502 loans from the current 18% to 25% in FY19. In May RD will begin publishing a quarterly newsletter for loan packagers and self-help grantees. For more information, contact Tammy Repine, USDA, 360-999-0251.

More Opportunity Zones announced.
As of May 18, the Treasury Department had designated Opportunity Zones in 46 states, as well as in DC and five U.S. territories. Designations for Florida, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Utah are pending.

Farm Bill fails in House.
On May 18 the House voted on H.R. 2, the 2018 Farm Bill, but it did not pass. The Senate is expected to release its draft Farm Bill in June.

Tribal VASH notices updated.
A new HUD notice consolidates previous Federal Register notices from October 21, 2015 and December 6, 2016 on the Tribal HUD-VASH program and adds procedures for issuing renewal funding. For more information, contact Heidi J. Frechette, HUD, 202-402-7914.

Inclusionary zoning map shows local and state programs.
The Grounded Solutions Network has developed an interactive map that shows the characteristics of inclusionary housing programs as well as state laws regarding adoption of such local programs. It also offers an interactive Inclusionary Housing Calculator, designed to explore the relationship between local incentives and the development of mixed income housing.

African Americans and Hispanics still far from equal with whites, National Urban League reports.
The annual State of Black America report shows the 2018 “Equality Index” is 72.5% for African Americans and 79.3% for Hispanics. Full equality with whites would be 100%.

HAC is now accepting nominations for its 2018 Cochran/Collings National Service and Skip Jason Community Service Leadership Awards. Nominations are due Friday July 13. The awards will be presented at the 2018 HAC Rural Housing Conference in December. Past awardees are listed on HAC’s site. Complete the online nomination form. For more information, contact Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: May 11, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 11, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 10

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month• Administration requests rescission of $40 million in rural Rental Assistance • House subcommittee passes FY19 USDA spending bill • HUD sued over fair housing regulation change • Deadline extended for comments on Affordable Housing Program • Temporary authorization issued to help use Section 502 direct funds • New HAC report looks at mortgage finance in Indian Country • 50 years of fair housing reviewed • HMDA data show banks reduced lending to low- and moderate-income homeowners •Farmworker hiring increased 2008-2016, USDA reports • NEA offers creative placemaking grants • White House renews faith-based initiatives • CFPB amends timing for “know before you owe” mortgage disclosure rule

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 11, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 10

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Among the month’s observances are several planned by federal agencies.

Administration requests rescission of $40 million in rural Rental Assistance.
A May 8 Administration proposal to withdraw funds previously appropriated for several federal programs includes $40 million from USDA’s Section 521 Rental Assistance program, just over $41 million from HUD’s Public Housing Capital Fund, almost $23 million from the CDFI Fund’s Bank Enterprise Award program, and $151 million from the CDFI Fund’s Capital Magnet Fund. The request explains that Section 521 RA had a $40 million balance on October 1, 2017, the first day of FY18. That $40 million was not intended to be spent during FY17, however; the FY17 appropriations bill specifically designated it for FY18. A disproportionately high number of RA contracts must be renewed in October and November every year, when limited amounts of new funding are available under continuing resolutions adopted by Congress before final appropriations are established. In October and November alone, USDA used $261.8 million to renew contracts for almost 52,000 low-income tenants. Congress must adopt, amend, or reject the proposal within 45 days. The full House may vote on its bill, H.R. 3, as soon as next week without first sending it to the Appropriations Committee. The Senate is expected to act after the House.

House subcommittee passes FY19 USDA spending bill.
On May 9, the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee approved a draft appropriations bill for fiscal year 2019, which begins on October 1, 2018. The bill resembles the FY18 appropriation more than the Administration’s budget request. It would continue initiatives such as incentives to nonprofits and PHAs to acquire and preserve rental properties; the Section 502 direct loan packaging program; and the requirement to allocate 10% of funds from each program to persistent poverty counties. A House markup for HUD FY19 appropriations has not yet been scheduled, and no draft HUD bill has been released. The Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to begin its markups later this month.

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)

FY16 Approp.

FY17 Approp.

FY18 Approp.

FY19 Admin. Budget Proposal

FY19 House Bill

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setasidea






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.






514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.






516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.






521 Rental Assistance






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






  1. Figures shown represent budget authority, not program levels.
  2. The bill provides a total of $45 million to be divided between Section 504 grants and Section 533 grants.
  3. The bill provides total budget authority of $16.9 million for the Section 514 and 516 programs.

HUD sued over fair housing regulation change.
On May 8 a group of advocates sued HUD over its suspension of the regulation requiring state and local governments to produce Assessments of Fair Housing as part of fulfilling the Fair Housing Act’s requirement to “affirmatively further fair housing.” National Fair Housing Alliance v. Carson seeks a court order requiring HUD to implement the rule immediately.

Deadline extended for comments on Affordable Housing Program.
Comments on the proposed new rule for the Federal Home Loan Bank’s AHP are now due June 12 rather than May 14. (See HAC News, 3/16/18.) For more information, contact Ted Wartell, FHFA, 202-649-3157.

Temporary authorization issued to help use Section 502 direct funds. Through the end of FY18, when a homebuyer purchases a property that has a Section 502 direct loan, USDA will process the new mortgage as an initial loan rather than as an assumption of the old mortgage. This approach, which USDA has employed in the past, will help use all available Section 502 direct funds. For more information, contact a USDA RD office.

New HAC report looks at mortgage finance in Indian Country.
Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for Mortgage Finance in Indian Country examines mortgage lending to American Indian and Alaska Natives, particularly on reservations. Barriers to lending include geographic isolation, economic distress, mistrust, nonstandard land ownership, and an extra layer of federal oversight. As a result, on reservations there are low mortgage origination rates, high denial rates, and a high proportion of loans made for manufactured homes. The report recommends that, along with better targeted policies and more complete data, increasing the capacity and awareness of all involved parties could help resolve the challenges.
50 years of fair housing reviewed.
The National Fair Housing Alliance’s 2018 Fair Housing Trends Report: Making Every Neighborhood a Place of Opportunity reports on fair housing progress since the Fair Housing Act’s adoption in 1968 and on recent attacks on fair housing. The paper concludes that the biggest obstacle to fair housing rights is the federal government’s failure to enforce the law vigorously, and offers recommendations for change.

HMDA data show banks reduced lending to low- and moderate-income homeowners.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data from 2017 are now available, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a “first look” report based on the new figures. Nonbank mortgage lenders accounted for 56.1% of HMDA-reported home purchase loans in 2017, up from 53.3% in 2016. In 2017, 6.4% of home purchase loans went to African-American buyers and 8.8% to Hispanics. Low- or moderate-income borrowers received 26.3% of all home purchase loans.

Farmworker hiring increased 2008-2016, USDA reports.
A report by USDA’s Economic Research Service shows that agriculture employment fell from 2000 to 2008, then rebounded, with hiring of contract workers increasing faster than direct hiring. Nonsupervisory workers earned an average of $12.47 per hour in 2017. Applications and approvals of H-2A temporary foreign workers quadrupled from 2005 to 2017. For those not in the H-2A program, the American Community Survey and the National Agricultural Workers Survey provide different figures for race/ethnicity, citizenship, and education levels.

NEA offers creative placemaking grants.
The National Endowment for the Arts Our Town program supports projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes. Our Town matches local funds with grants from $25,000 to $200,000. Applications are due August 9.

White House renews faith-based initiatives.
An Executive Order issued May 3 changes the existing office to the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative and directs the initiative to make recommendations on policies and programs on a variety of matters including solutions to poverty.

CFPB amends timing for “know before you owe” mortgage disclosure rule.
The change will allow lenders to pass higher closing costs to consumers if the costs increase after a closing disclosure is provided to the borrower. For more information, contact Shaakira Gold-Ramirez, CFPB, 202-435-7700 or submit a question online.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: April 27, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 27, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 9

HUD proposes to raise rents and allow work requirements • Joel Baxley named RHS Administrator • Pilot program to fund housing changes for low-income veterans with disabilities • Webinars on rural multifamily loan guarantees offered by HAC and USDA • HUD offers Section 811 vouchers, encourages PHAs/IHAs to partner with supportive services • Department of Justice launches initiative to combat sexual harassment in housing • Unnumbered Letter lists set-asides and state allocations for USDA single-family direct programs • Annual data on USDA-assisted tenants released • Section 515 funds available for properties affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria • Deadline for state Opportunity Zones designations passes, early designations analyzed • RD accepts comments on program delivery, shares best practices for rural economic development • CFPB requests comments on handling of consumer complaints • GAO suggests changes in federal agency collaborations for elderly housing and health • Save the date for the 2018 HAC Rural Housing ConferenceNeed capital for your affordable housing project?

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 27, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 9

HUD proposes to raise rents and allow work requirements.
The Department’s “Making Affordable Housing Work Act of 2018” would require elderly and disabled tenants in HUD-assisted properties to pay at least $50 per month rent, and others to pay a minimum amount (currently $150) calculated based on the federal minimum wage. It would eliminate income deductions for expenses like child care and would allow HUD to create alternative rent structures. PHAs or owners of properties with project-based aid would be permitted to impose work requirements. The House Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance has posted a draft of a similar bill.

Joel Baxley named RHS Administrator.
Joel Baxley, one of the authors of the 2016 Comprehensive Property Assessment of USDA’s multifamily housing portfolio, has been selected as Administrator of the Rural Housing Service.

Pilot program to fund housing changes for low-income veterans with disabilities.
HUD’s Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification pilot will make grants to nonprofits that provide nationwide or statewide aid to veterans or low-income people, to be used to modify veterans’ homes or to provide other nonprofits or public agencies with technical assistance and training. Applications are due June 25. For more information, contact Sylvia Purvis, HUD, 877-787-2526.

Webinars on rural multifamily loan guarantees offered by HAC and USDA.
The first of two webinars on the Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing program will be offered May 30, providing an overview of the guarantee program, which can be used for new construction, refinance, and acquisition with rehabilitation of multifamily properties. Webinar registration is free. For more information, contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC.

HUD offers Section 811 vouchers, encourages PHAs/IHAs to partner with supportive services.
PHAs/IHAs can apply by June 18 for mainstream housing choice vouchers to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities. Partnerships are encouraged with agencies that help individuals live independently. For more information, email mainstreamvouchers@hud.gov.

Department of Justice launches initiative to combat sexual harassment in housing.
DOJ’s effort includes an interagency task force with HUD. An outreach toolkit and public awareness resources including flyers in several languages are available online. Those who believe they may have been victims of sexual harassment in housing can call DOJ at 844-380-6178, email DOJ, or call HUD, 800-669-9777.

Unnumbered Letter lists set-asides and state allocations for USDA single-family direct programs.
A UL dated April 17, 2018 explains how the single-family direct loan and grant programs’ funding for FY18 will be allocated. It includes lists of persistent poverty, underserved, and REAP counties. For more information, contact an RD state office.

Annual data on USDA-assisted tenants released.
USDA RD’s 2017 Multi-Family Housing Annual Fair Housing Occupancy Report shows that from September 2016 to September 2017, the portfolio lost 246 Section 515 properties and 32 Section 514/516 properties, a total of 5,053 units. More than 91% of households have very low incomes. The average income for all Section 515 tenants is $12,776 and for all Section 515 tenants with Section 521 Rental Assistance is $10,658. Eighty-one percent of tenant households receive some rental subsidy, with about 68% in both the 515 and 514/516 programs receiving Section 521 RA. Among 515 tenants, 63.7% are elderly or disabled.

Section 515 funds available for properties affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.
Disaster funds appropriated for hurricane relief include almost $71 million for Section 515 rental properties that were not required to carry National Flood Insurance and were affected by last year’s hurricanes in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Texas. Applications are due May 31, 2019 (not 2018). RD will send letters to property owners. For more information, contact an RD state office.

Deadline for state Opportunity Zones designations passes, early designations analyzed.
State nominations of low-income census tracts to participate in the new Opportunity Zones program were due on April 20. The Treasury Department has announced some Zone designations and will announce the remainder by June 18. An Enterprise Community Partners analysis shows that 27% of the designated tracts are in rural places with populations under 2,500 and just over 2% are at least partly in tribal areas. The Brookings Institution reports that most states designated deeply impoverished places, although 22% of designated tracts are in areas with poverty rates under 20% and another 19% are in places that may already be gentrifying.

RD accepts comments on program delivery, shares best practices for rural economic development.
USDA’s Rural Development Innovation Center has launched a new webpage. Visitors can submit comments on ways USDA can improve RD program delivery, sign up for Innovation Center updates, and read about best practices and RD programs.

CFPB requests comments on handling of consumer complaints.
Comments are due July 16 on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s handling of consumer complaints and consumer inquiries. For more information, contact Darian Dorsey, CFPB, 202-435-7268.

GAO suggests changes in federal agency collaborations for elderly housing and health.
The Government Accountability Office compared collaborative efforts between HUD and the Department of Health and Human Services with best practices, finding some congruencies and some discrepancies. In Older Adult Housing: Future Collaborations on Housing and Health Services Should Include Relevant Agencies and Define Outcomes, GAO recommended that USDA should be included in the efforts, and that participating agencies should identify common outcomes desired from their collaboration.

The conference will be held December 4-7 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. The HAC News will announce when conference registration opens and when the hotel room block is available for reservations.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: April 12, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 12, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 8

Executive Order addresses work requirements • Draft Farm Bill includes SNAP work requirements • CRA recommendations released by Treasury Department • Opportunity Zones designated in 18 states and territories • HUD invites Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants applications • Stakeholders suggest Rural Development provisions for Farm Bill • RD clarifies asset management fee for nonprofits • Section 538 industry calls planned • HUD income limits set • CFPB requests comments on its guidance and its consumer financial education • Appraisal threshold increased • Comments requested to improve FHFA regulations • Wage gap for rural women quantified • Disaster survivors’ stories sought

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 12, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 8

Executive Order addresses work requirements.
On April 10 President Trump issued an “Executive Order Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility.” It establishes “Principles of Economic Mobility” that include strengthening or imposing work requirements for those receiving means-tested federal aid; increasing state and local flexibility in administering aid; combining or eliminating “duplicative or ineffective” programs; and involving the private sector in poverty solutions. Cabinet departments that run assistance programs, including USDA and HUD, must submit reports within 90 days recommending changes consistent with these principles. They must also list which programs restrict benefits to lawful U.S. residents and which do not.

Draft Farm Bill includes SNAP work requirements.
The House Agriculture Committee released the text of H.R. 2, the 2018 Farm Bill, on April 12. It proposes new requirements for SNAP participants to work or enroll in work training. The only housing provision updates the definition of rural areas eligible for the RHS housing programs so that it refers to the 2020 Census as well as 2010. The bill reauthorizes several RUS and RBS programs. It also reauthorizes the Delta Regional Authority and the Northern Great Plains Regional Authority, but cuts the authorized funding for the DRA from the current $30 million per year to $12 million and for the NGPRA from $30 million to $2 million. (The DRA’s FY18 appropriation is $25 million. The NGPRA has never received an appropriation.)

CRA recommendations released by Treasury Department.
Treasury published a report on April 3 identifying regulatory and administrative improvements for the Community Reinvestment Act. The suggestions would broaden bank assessment areas to account for technological access in places without physical branches, expand the range of eligible CRA activities, clarify rating criteria and subjective terms such as “excellent,” require timely examinations, and strengthen incentives for banks to avoid low performance ratings.

Opportunity Zones designated in 18 states and territories.
The first round of Opportunity Zones were announced by the Treasury Department and the IRS for the states and territories that nominated areas by March 21. Other states requested 30-day extensions and must make their submissions by April 20. The IRS invites comments as it develops guidance for the program on topics including the certification of Qualified Opportunity Funds and eligible investments in Qualified Opportunity Zones. It does not provide a deadline.

HUD invites Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants applications.
Nonprofits, PHAs, local governments, and tribal entities are eligible for planning grants or planning and action grants focusing on transforming a neighborhood by redeveloping at least one severely distressed public or HUD-assisted housing project. Applications are due June 12.

Stakeholders suggest Rural Development provisions for Farm Bill.
HAC and other interested organizations sent a letter to the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees listing recommendations for provisions related to USDA Rural Development that could be included in this year’s Farm Bill. Among the suggestions are incentives for investing in the rural communities with the greatest need, including those with populations under 10,000; authorization for the multifamily housing preservation technical assistance program; and support for infrastructure, including broadband.

RD clarifies asset management fee for nonprofits.
An Unnumbered Letter dated March 30, 2018 explains that nonprofit and cooperative owners of Section 515 and 514/516 properties are eligible for a $7,500 asset management fee per property, rather than per owner. For more information, contact a USDA RD state office.

Section 538 industry calls planned.
During 2018 and 2019, USDA will hold a series of teleconference and/or web conference meetings regarding the Section 538 guaranteed rental housing program. To register to receive information when calls are scheduled, contact Monica Cole, USDA, 202-720-1251.

HUD income limits set.
FY18 median area incomes and income limits for metro areas and nonmetro counties are available online.

CFPB requests comments on its guidance and its consumer financial education.
Comments to help CFPB assess the overall effectiveness and accessibility of its guidance materials and activities (including implementation support) to members of the general public, including regulated entities, are due July 2. For more information, contact Kristin Switzer, CFPB, 202-435-7700. Comments on CFPB’s consumer financial education programs are due July 9. For more information, contact Davida Farrar, CFPB, 202-435-9523.

Appraisal threshold increased.
Effective on April 9, the federal agencies that regulate banks and savings and loans require appraisals for lenders’ real estate transactions above $500,000. The previous threshold was $250,000. Loans secured by residential properties with one to four units are exempt from the appraisal requirement; for those, lenders must instead obtain evaluations that are consistent with safe and sound banking practices. Contacts for further information vary by regulatory agency.

Comments requested to improve FHFA regulations.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency invites comments by June 4 on how its regulations can be made more effective and less burdensome, except for rules of agency organization, procedure, or practice, or regulations adopted or substantially amended since April 2016. For more information, contact Ellen S. Bailey, FHFA, 202-649-3056.

Wage gap for rural women quantified.
The Center for American Progress reports that rural women who work full time, year round, make 76 cents for every dollar that rural men make. Rural African-American and Hispanic women make 56 cents for every dollar made by rural white, non-Hispanic men, while Rural Native American women make 69 cents and rural Asian American and Pacific Islander women make 75 cents.

Disaster survivors’ stories sought.
The Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition developed an online tool to capture disaster survivors’ individual stories. These accounts of unmet need will be used to illustrate the unique housing challenges low-income survivors face after a disaster and to build support for solutions. The coalition asks organizations serving disaster survivors from the hurricanes and wildfires of 2017 to fill out the online questionnaire for any client/individual with a compelling need for direct rental assistance.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: March 29, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 29, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 7

April is Fair Housing Month• Final FY18 funding bill supports housing programs • Carson testifies on FY19 HUD budget proposal and HUD oversight • Rural broadband applications now accepted • Area eligibility changes proposed for rural housing programs • CFPB seeks more comments, extends deadlines • Pilot program to evaluate feasibility of mixed income occupancy in farmworker housing • GAO suggests improvements to RAD • USDA continues two-tier income pilot for single-family housing • USDA’s updated area loan limits go into effect January 17 and March 30 • Last Keepseagle appeals rejected by Supreme Court • NLIHC releases 2018 Advocates’ Guide

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 29, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 7

April is Fair Housing Month.
This year also marks the 50th anniversary of passage of the Fair Housing Act.

Final FY18 funding bill supports housing programs.
On March 23 President Trump signed into law an omnibus funding bill for fiscal year 2018, which began on October 1, 2017. Under the increased cap on FY18 spending, the final agreement raises funding levels for several housing programs above the amounts in both the House and Senate FY18 bills. These include Section 502 direct, Section 515, Section 542, and others at USDA, as well as HOME, CDBG, Section 202, Section 811, the Public Housing Capital Fund, tenant- and project-based vouchers, and others at HUD. The law makes some program changes as well. It increases Low Income Housing Tax Credit allocations for 2018-2021 and allows income averaging in LIHTC properties, making 60% of area median income the average income limit for all units in a property rather than the income limit for each individual apartment. It expands HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration for public housing, including raising the cap to 455,000 units, covering some Section 202 units, and extending the program to 2024. There is enough funding for this year’s preparations for the 2020 Census. A new pilot program of rural broadband loans and grants receives $600 million, to be administered by USDA’s Rural Utilities Service; USDA says that amount will leverage nearly $1 billion in total new rural broadband projects. [tdborder][/tdborder]

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)

FY16 Approp.

FY17 Approp.

FY18 House Bill (H.R. 3268)

FY18 Senate Bill (S. 1603)

FY18 Final Approp.

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside(b)






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.






514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.






516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.






521 Rental Assistance






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






a. Section 504 grants and Section 533 grants would have been rolled into a new Rural Economic Infrastructure Grant program. This change is not included in the final bill.
b. Figures shown represent budget authority, not program levels.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY16 Approp.

FY17 Approp.

FY18 House Bill (H.R. 3353)

FY18 Senate Bill (S. 1655)

FY18 Final Approp.













Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)






Veterans Home Rehab






Tenant-Based Rental Assstnce.
VASH setaside
Tribal VASH






Project-Based Rental Asstnce.






Public Hsg. Capital Fund






Public Hsg. Operating Fund






Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative






Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grt.






Homeless Assistance Grants






Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS






202 Hsg. for Elderly






811 Hsg. for Disabled






Fair Housing






Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.






Housing Counseling






a. The House bill specified that its entire VASH appropriation would be for renewals. The Senate bill would have renewed current VASH vouchers and provided $40 million for new ones.

Carson testifies on FY19 HUD budget proposal and HUD oversight.
On March 20, HUD Secretary Ben Carson appeared before a House appropriations subcommittee to discuss the Administration’s budget proposal for the fiscal year that begins October 31, 2018. He stated repeatedly that the new Opportunity Zones program would provide significant financing for local community and housing development. Asked about rural housing needs, he cited the importance of manufactured housing. Subcommittee members also asked about the recently canceled $31,000 furniture order for Carson’s office. On March 22, Carson faced similar questions at a Senate Banking Committee oversight hearing.

Rural broadband applications now accepted.
RUS will process applications for the Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan Guarantees Program on a rolling basis from now through September 30, 2018. For more information, contact Shawn Arner, RUS, 202-720-0800.

Area eligibility changes proposed for rural housing programs.
Proposed changes to eligible areas, based on the “rural in character” criterion, are posted online. To see changes, select a tab to view a map for single-family, multifamily, or other programs, then select eligible properties, previously eligible areas, or proposed ineligible areas. Send comments by April 23 to RD State Directors, who will make final eligibility decisions, effective June 4, 2018.

CFPB seeks more comments, extends deadlines.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued more requests for comments on specific aspects of its work and has extended the deadlines for some of its recent requests. All are summarized in the table below.

Pilot program to evaluate feasibility of mixed income occupancy in farmworker housing.
Section 514/516 properties that are fully operational before March 28 are eligible for this pilot under an Unnumbered Letter dated February 28, 2018. USDA will study the programmatic and logistical advantages and disadvantages of mixed occupancy in properties that are separated operationally but not physically. For more information, contact an RD state office.

GAO suggests improvements to RAD.
A Government Accountability Office report, Rental Assistance Demonstration: HUD Needs to Take Action to Improve Metrics and Ongoing Oversight, makes recommendations to HUD intended to improve leveraging metrics, monitoring of the use and enforcement of resident safeguards, and compliance with RAD requirements.

USDA continues two-tier income pilot for single-family housing.
An Unnumbered Letter dated March 5, 2018 announces that USDA will continue to use income banding for all single-family housing programs in 23 states and territories: AZ, AR, CA, FL, GA, IN, KY, MI, MS, MO, NE, NM, NC, ND, OR, PA, PR, TN, UT, VT, VI, WA, and WV. For more information, contact an RD state office.

USDA’s updated area loan limits go into effect January 17 and March 30.
On January 17, new limits are effective for the states participating in the FHA mortgage limit pilot. Non-pilot states’ new limits are effective March 30. For more information, contact an RD state office.

Last Keepseagle appeals rejected by Supreme Court.
Indianz.com reports that on March 26 the Supreme Court declined to hear the final appeals related to distribution of settlement funds from the Keepseagle case, which claimed USDA’s farm loan programs denied Native Americans equal access to credit. This means the money remaining in the settlement fund can now be sent to individuals, tribes, nonprofits, and educational institutions.

NLIHC releases 2018 Advocates’ Guide.
The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Advocates’ Guide 2018: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs provides information about advocacy and specific programs.

The conference will be held December 4-7 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. The HAC News will announce when conference registration opens and when the hotel room block is available for reservations.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: March 16, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 16, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 6

Senate passes Dodd-Frank revisions • Negotiations continue on FY18 funding • Affordable Housing Program rule changes proposed • USDA proposes reorganizing its civil rights management • Housing and community facilities sites encouraged to host Summer Meals Program • Housing included in Senate Democrats’ infrastructure plan • Perdue testifies on rural infrastructure • CFPB invites applications for advisory boards, requests input on rulemaking and reporting • Sen. Cochran announces resignation • Proposed change to HUD’s mission statement draws criticism • Shortage of 7.2 million homes documented by NLIHC • CFPB issues 2018 list of rural or underserved counties • Roundtables scheduled on rural opioid misuse • HAC to host American Indian Housing Symposium: Brainstorming New Strategies for Systemic Housing Challenges, Rapid City, SD, May 2-3.

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 16, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 6

Senate passes Dodd-Frank revisions.
On March 14 the Senate passed S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, which would lift some restrictions on smaller banks. Among other provisions, the bill would reduce HMDA lending data reporting requirements and give HUD new discretion to label small PHAs (those with fewer than 550 total public housing units and vouchers) as troubled. It would also renew the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act, which had expired, and reauthorize and expand HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency program. The House Financial Services Committee has considered numerous bills that would change the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and committee Chair Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) indicated he hopes to add their provisions to the Senate bill.

Negotiations continue on FY18 funding.
Members of Congress are negotiating an omnibus appropriations bill that would include funding for most of the federal government (Department of Defense FY18 appropriations were included in the most recent continuing resolution). The current CR ends March 23. At press time, the text of the omnibus was not yet available. HAC will post updates on its web site.

Affordable Housing Program rule changes proposed.
Comments are due May 14 on a Federal Housing Finance Agency proposal to make numerous changes in the Affordable Housing Program, including allowing each Federal Home Loan Bank to design its own application scoring and authorizing the Banks to establish special competitive funds targeting specific affordable housing needs. For more information, contact Ted Wartell, FHFA, 202-649-3157.

USDA proposes reorganizing its civil rights management.
To improve and strengthen its civil rights functions, the department plans to consolidate positions, eliminate some divisions within the civil rights office, and change the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights to an Associate Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights. Comments are due March 25. For more information, contact Winona Lake Scott, USDA, 202-720-3808.

Housing and community facilities sites encouraged to host Summer Meals Program.
USDA urges RD-financed housing properties and community facilities to participate in the Summer Meals Program, which provides low-income children with healthy meals at no cost during the summer when school is out. A March 20 webinar and a February 27 Unnumbered Letter provide more information.

Housing included in Senate Democrats’ infrastructure plan.
The proposal, released on March 7, would repeal recently enacted tax changes and provide $1 trillion in federal spending, including $62 billion for neighborhood revitalization, lead remediation, and affordable housing, and $40 billion for universal high-speed internet. The plan would distribute housing and revitalization funds through existing channels, including USDA’s rural housing programs and HUD’s public housing, HOME, and Indian Housing Block Grant programs.

Perdue testifies on rural infrastructure.
The Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on March 14 to hear from five Cabinet secretaries, including USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue, regarding the Administration’s infrastructure proposal.

CFPB invites applications for advisory boards, requests input on rulemaking and reporting.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau invites interested people to apply by April 23 for appointment to its Consumer Advisory Board, Community Bank Advisory Council, and Credit Union Advisory Council. For more information, contact Julian Alcazar, CFPB, 202-435-9885.
CFPB requests comments and information by June 7 to assist it in assessing its rulemaking processes and considering whether changes would be appropriate. For more information, contact Kristine M. Andreassen, CFPB, 202-435-7700.
CFPB also requests public input by June 4 on potential changes to its public reporting of consumer complaint information. For more information, contact Darian Dorsey, CFPB, 202-435-7268.

Sen. Cochran announces resignation.
Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) will resign April 1 because of health issues. He has long supported USDA’s rural housing programs, including in his current role as Chair of the Appropriations Committee. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) is expected to become chair of the committee.

Proposed change to HUD’s mission statement draws criticism.
The Huffington Post reported on March 6 that HUD officials were considering shortening HUD’s mission statement, leaving out words including “build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination.” Public reaction led HUD Secretary Ben Carson to assert there were no changes in HUD’s commitment to fair housing. As of March 15, the old mission statement remained on HUD’s website.

Shortage of 7.2 million homes documented by NLIHC.
The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes reports a shortfall of 7.2 million affordable and available rental homes for extremely low-income renter households, those with incomes at or below the poverty level or 30% of their area median income. There are just 35 affordable and available rental homes for every 100 of these lowest income renter households nationwide. No state has an adequate supply of affordable rentals for these tenants. As a result, 71% of the lowest-income renters spend more than half their incomes on housing. The National Low Income Housing Coalition calls for increasing investments in affordable housing programs for the lowest-income households.

CFPB issues 2018 list of rural or underserved counties.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has published its 2018 list of rural and underserved counties, where some regulatory requirements do not apply. It has also updated its rural and underserved areas tool.

Roundtables scheduled on rural opioid misuse.
Regional roundtables will help raise awareness and better understand what support rural communities need to address opioid misuse. Key topics will include challenges associated with substance use disorder; strategies for prevention, treatment and recovery; and how these measures can be replicated. Future sessions will be on April 11 in Utah, May 9 in Kentucky, June 6 in Oklahoma, and July 11 in Maine.

HAC to host American Indian Housing Symposium: Brainstorming New Strategies for Systemic Housing Challenges, Rapid City, SD, May 2-3.
Presented by the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation and Fannie Mae, this symposium will explore data trends, innovative projects, funding opportunities, and strategies for addressing systemic housing challenges for tribes across the country. For more information, contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: March 1, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 1, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 5

Opportunity Zone deadlines nearing • Grants available for TA to purchasers of maturing mortgage 515 properties • CDFI Funds offered, including for CDFIs serving Native American communities • Small grants available to connect arts and community development • HUD seeks tribal input on revising Section 184 regs • Members named to new congressional committee on budget and appropriations process • Planning underway for Housing Week of Action • CFPB requests input on feedback • USDA launches opioid resources page • Review of Kerner report data shows some improvements, some declines for African Americans over 50 years • New center seeks to connect homelessness research to practice • Materials from HAC’s budget webinar posted online • RD approves a third national online homeownership education provider • HAC to host American Indian Housing Symposium: Brainstorming New Strategies for Systemic Housing Challenges, Rapid City, SD, May 2-3

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 1, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 5

The conference will be held December 4-7 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. The HAC News will announce when conference registration opens and when the hotel room block is available for reservations.

Opportunity Zone deadlines nearing.
Many states have set early March deadlines for public input as they prepare to meet their March 21 deadline to designate high-poverty census tracts as Opportunity Zones where new Opportunity Funds will make community investments, possibly including housing. Links to some states’ sites have been posted by Novogradac & Co., while others seem to have no information online. HAC encourages rural communities to support selection of rural Opportunity Zones. Search for online information about your state’s public comment process, or contact the state office of community development or economic development. Information is available from the CDFI Fund (including a list and map of eligible census tracts), Enterprise Community Partners (including a map of eligible tracts), and Economic Innovation Group. For more information, contact Leslie Strauss, HAC, 202-842-8600.

Grants available for TA to purchasers of maturing mortgage 515 properties.
Applications are due March 29 for a new USDA RD program offering grants of up to $250,000 for nonprofits or PHAs to provide technical assistance to purchasers of Section 515 properties whose mortgages are maturing. Contact RD state directors for more information and to develop lists of targeted local areas in each state.

CDFI Funds offered, including for CDFIs serving Native American communities.
The CDFI Program makes Financial Assistance awards to certified CDFIs and Technical Assistance grants to certified, certifiable, and emerging CDFIs to build their organizational capacity. The Native American CDFI Program offers the same to CDFIs serving Native communities. Applications are due April 4. For more information, submit a request through the CDFI Fund’s AMIS site or contact the CDFI Fund Help Desk, 202-653-0421.

Small grants available to connect arts and community development.
Small and mid-sized organizations can apply by April 12 for the National Endowment for the Art’s Challenge America grants. The grants are $10,000 and support projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations, either for professional arts programming or for projects that emphasize the potential of the arts in community development. For more information, contact NEA, 202-682-5700.

HUD seeks tribal input on revising Section 184 regs.
HUD plans to revise its regulations for the Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Program. It invites tribal members and leaders, tribal housing entities, and lenders to provide feedback to 184consultation@hud.gov until a proposed rule is published in the Federal Register (anticipated to be by September 30), when a public comment period will begin. HUD will also hold a listening session at the NAIHC Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, March 5-7, and others will be scheduled this spring.

Members named to new congressional committee on budget and appropriations process.
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 – the federal budget deal adopted in February – created a new Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process Reform. House and Senate leaders have now named the committee’s 16 members, four from each party in each house of Congress. Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR) is the chair and Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) is the co-chair. The committee must hold its first meeting by March 11 and must hold at least five public meetings or hearings. Its report is due by November 30.

Planning underway for Housing Week of Action.
Our Homes, Our Voices is planned for May 1-8. The National Low Income Housing Coalition is working with partners nationwide to schedule activities and publicity. Resources are available online.

CFPB requests input on feedback.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau requests comments and information by May 29 to help it assess its public and non-public “external engagements,” where stakeholders provide feedback on CFPB’s work. Currently these include field hearings, town halls, roundtables, and meetings of the Advisory Board and Councils. For more information, contact Zixta Martinez, CFPB, 202-435-9745.

USDA launches opioid resources page.
The site is intended to offer resources, information, and best practices to help rural communities respond to and manage the opioid crisis.

Review of Kerner report data shows some improvements, some declines for African Americans over 50 years.
The Economic Policy Institute compared current data to information gathered by the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (the Kerner Commission) in 1968. “50 Years After the Kerner Commission” reports improvements in African-American education levels, wages, incomes, wealth, and health, but blacks still lag whites in all these indicators. African-American homeownership and unemployment rates have changed little, while incarceration rates have almost tripled.

New center seeks to connect homelessness research to practice.
The Center for Evidence-based Solutions to Homelessness launched in December with a mission to empower communities to plan and implement services for people experiencing homelessness on the basis of the strongest available evidence. Among its early releases, a report titled Where Do Homeless People Come From? shows that substantial portions of people in shelters previously lived in suburban and rural areas as well as in cities.

Materials from HAC’s budget webinar posted online.
A recording of the webinar, as well as the presentation and related resources, are available on HAC’s site.

RD approves a third national online homeownership education provider.
Utah State University Extension
is now approved to provide education for homebuyers using the Section 502 direct loan program. It joins eHome America and Framework as nationally recognized providers.

HAC to host American Indian Housing Symposium: Brainstorming New Strategies for Systemic Housing Challenges, Rapid City, SD, May 2-3.
Presented by the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation and Fannie Mae, this symposium will explore data trends, innovative projects, funding opportunities, and strategies for addressing systemic housing challenges for tribes across the country. For more information, contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: February 16, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

February 16, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 4

Federal funding deal lifts spending caps, takes government through March 23 • Administration releases FY19 budget proposal • Administration proposes Rural Infrastructure Program • HUD offers Youth Homeless Demonstration Program, includes rural setaside • CFPB seeks comment on reducing burden of its enforcement • Allocations, waivers, and more published for CDBG-DR grantees • FHFA issues housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac • Perdue testifies on rural economy • Glendenning to head RHS single-family programs • Scorecard links poverty to policy, not poor choices

HAC News Formats. pdf

Federal funding deal lifts spending caps, takes government through March 23.
On February 9 Congress adopted and the President signed a large budget deal . Along with monies to address opioid addiction and other issues, and numerous other provisions, it extends federal funding at FY17 levels until March 23. It provides $89.3 billion in disaster funds for places impacted by hurricanes and wildfires in 2017, including $18.7 million for direct loans to rehabilitate Section 515 properties. It lifts the spending caps imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011, allowing higher appropriations levels for FY18 and FY19. Reportedly the Administration has now asked Congress for additional FY18 funding under the increased cap, including $500 million for broadband through RUS and $5 billion towards the Administration’s proposed $50 billion rural infrastructure program, most of which would be distributed to state governments.

Administration releases FY19 budget proposal.
USDA RHS. For USDA’s rural housing programs, the budget looks much the same as last year’s proposal: all housing programs would be eliminated except the single-family and multifamily guarantee programs, Section 521 Rental Assistance, and Section 542 vouchers. Tenants would be required to pay at least $50 per month rent unless they qualify for a hardship exemption. Unlike last year, the FY19 budget suggests combining RA and vouchers into a single line item. Program advocates have estimated that the voucher program needs $25 million in FY18 and $28 million in FY19, as more Section 515 units leave the portfolio every year and tenants become eligible for vouchers. Congress did not adopt most of the Administration’s funding proposals for these programs last year, and is unlikely to accept them this year. Information about HAC’s annual webinar on the budget, scheduled for February 20, is below. [tdborder][/tdborder]

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)

FY16 Approp.

FY17 Approp.

FY18 House Bill (H.R. 3268)a

FY18 Senate Bill (S. 1603)a

FY19 Admin. Budget Proposal

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.






514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.






516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.






521 Rental Assistance






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






a. FY18 appropriation is not yet final.
b. Included $40 million in advance funding for FY18, so total available in FY17 was $1.365 billion and total available in FY18 would be $1.385 billion.
c. Section 504 loans and other non-housing loans would have been rolled into a new Rural Economic Infrastructure Grant program.

HUD. The Administration’s HUD budget proposal would eliminate the HOME, CDBG, SHOP, and Housing Trust Fund programs. It would roll the Public Housing Capital Fund into the Public Housing Operating Fund and lower the dollars available. It would cut voucher programs, including eliminating VASH vouchers for military veterans, although it would retain Tribal VASH vouchers with a reduced funding level. Funding for homelessness programs would remain at FY17 levels, although the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness would be eliminated.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY16 Approp.

FY17 Approp.

FY18 House Bill (H.R. 3353)a

FY18 Senate Bill (S. 1655)a

FY19 Admin. Budget Proposal













Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)






Veterans Home Rehab






Tenant-Based RA
VASH setaside
Tribal VASH






Project-Based Rental Asstnce.






Public Hsg. Capital Fund






Public Hsg. Operating Fund






Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative






Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant






Homeless Assistance Grants






Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS






202 Hsg. for Elderly






811 Hsg. for Disabled






Fair Housing






Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.






Housing Counseling






a. FY18 appropriation is not yet final.
b. The House bill specifies that its entire VASH appropriation is for renewals. The Senate bill would renew current VASH vouchers and provide $40 million for new ones.
c. Estimates calculated by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities . The budget documents, which were developed before the February 9, 2018 budget agreement that raised spending caps, present lower figures for tenant-based vouchers and public housing operations, and a separate addendum based on the budget agreement adds funding to some of the budget’s numbers.

Other programs. Most CDFI Fund programs, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, the Weatherization Assistance Program, and the Delta Regional Authority would be eliminated under the Administration’s FY19 budget. The Appalachian Regional Commission would be funded at $152 million, the same as its FY17 level.

Administration proposes Rural Infrastructure Program.
On February 12, the same day as its budget release, the Administration issued a proposal for infrastructure development and improvement, including $50 billion for a Rural Infrastructure Program, defining “rural” as “areas with populations of less than 50,000.” It would fund transportation, broadband, water and waste, power and electric, and water resources. Eighty percent of the funds would be distributed to states by formula, to be allocated to individual projects. The remaining 20% would be for “rural performance grants” to states. Unspecified portions of the $50 billion would be set aside for tribes and territories.

HUD offers Youth Homeless Demonstration Program, includes rural setaside.
The YHDP will support up to 11 communities, at least five of them rural, in developing and implementing coordinated community approaches to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Applications must be submitted by CoC Collaborative Applicants and are due April 17. Selected communities will then prepare coordinated community plans and apply for project funding. For more information, contact Caroline Crouse, HUD.

CFPB seeks comment on reducing burden of its enforcement.
While the Administration’s budget proposes restructuring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and limit its funding, and a new five-year plan for the bureau states its mission more narrowly than its past plan did, the agency has also requested public comment on its efforts. It asks how best to achieve meaningful burden reduction or other improvement to the processes it uses to enforce federal consumer financial law, while continuing to meet its statutory objectives and ensuring a fair and transparent process for parties subject to enforcement authority. Comments are due April 13. For more information, contact Mark Samburg, CFPB, 202-435-9710.

Allocations, waivers, and more published for CDBG-DR grantees.
A HUD notice allocates $3.79 billion from the September disaster appropriations act for recovery from 2017 disasters, and explains how recipients must use the funds. For more information, contact Jessie Handforth Kome, HUD, 202-708-8339.

FHFA issues housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
These goals (not the same as the Duty to Serve requirements) apply to 2018-2020 and include separate categories for single-family and multifamily mortgages on housing that is affordable to low-income and very low-income families, among other categories. For more information, contact Ted Wartell, FHFA, 202-649-3157.

Perdue testifies on rural economy.
On February 6, USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue was the only witness at a House Agriculture Committee hearing on the rural economy, as the committee begins work on this year’s Farm Bill. Perdue also presented the committee with a document listing 2018 Farm Bill & Legislative Principles recently developed by USDA.

Glendenning to head RHS single-family programs.
Roger Glendenning, a long-time employee at USDA Rural Development, has been named Deputy Administrator of Single-Family Housing.

Scorecard links poverty to policy, not poor choices.
Prosperity Now’s annual Scorecard data compilation and its report Whose Bad Choices? How Policy Precludes Prosperity and What We Can Do About It include figures related to work, savings, debt, and health care costs and point out that economic growth is not translating into widely shared prosperity. Policy decisions on all levels of government are responsible, the report concludes. An interactive map allows users to view data by location or issue area.

Final Farm Labor Housing webinar set for February 21.
The third webinar in a series about financing farmworker housing using the Section 514/516 program, Construction and Lease-up, will be held February 21. Registration is free. The first two sessions, Preparing the Pre-application and Final Application Processing and Closing, are now archived online. The sessions are sponsored by Tierra del Sol Housing and the Community Resources and Housing Development Corporation, and hosted by HAC. For more information, contact Kelly Cooney, HAC, 404-892-4824.

Budget, Infrastructure, Spending Caps, and More: An Update on Federal Rural Housing Funding offered on Feb. 20.
How do the FY19 budget, the infrastructure proposal, spending caps for FY18 and FY19, and appropriations for FY18 all fit together? What does the rural broadband proposal really mean? What about USDA reorganization? Join HAC’s rural housing experts for a webinar reviewing the current situation and an explanation of the next steps, Tuesday, February 20, 1:30-2:30 pm Eastern.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes). HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families.

HAC News: February 1, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

February 1, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 3

February is African American History Month • Housing not included in State of the Union address • FY19 budget to be released this month • Latest continuing resolution ends February 8 • New Opportunity Zones program created by Tax Cuts and Jobs Act • Carson pledges to increase resources to rural America • IRS urges hurricane survivors to consider EITC • HUD considers changes to manufactured housing rules • RD multifamily housing financial reporting requirements clarified • RD offers guidance on using design/build and construction management proposals • Census Bureau not updating questions on race and ethnicity • HUD invites comments on new reporting system for IHBG recipients • House passes bill to exempt more lenders from HMDA • Gil Gonzalez named RD Chief of Staff • Native American Creative Placemaking published by HAC • Native CDFIs have high demand, need more resources, says survey • HAC releases report on USDA rural housing program activity in FY17 • Webinars offered on financing Farm Labor Housing with USDA Section 514/516 funding

HAC News Formats. >

February 1, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 3

February is African American History Month.

Housing not included in State of the Union address.
In his speech on January 30, President Trump mentioned a $1.5 billion infrastructure plan, but did not list housing among items that would be covered. HUD Secretary Ben Carson has said in the past that the Administration’s infrastructure proposal will include housing (see HAC News, 4/13/17).

FY19 budget to be released this month.
The Administration will release its proposed budget for FY19 (which begins October 1, 2018) on February 12 at the earliest, but it is expected to be a “skinny” budget without much detail, like the early budget proposal released in March 2017. HAC will post information online when the budget is available.

Latest continuing resolution ends February 8.
FY17 funding levels are continued through February 8 under the most recent in this year’s series of continuing resolutions. Congress and the Administration continue to seek agreement on raising the Budget Control Act’s funding caps and on spending levels for FY18, as well as numerous other issues.

New Opportunity Zones program created by Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
The new tax legislation offers private investors an opportunity to defer taxes on capital gains by investing those gains in Opportunity Funds, which will finance a variety of investments, potentially including housing, in Opportunity Zones. Governors will identify Opportunity Zones in their states from among census tracts that meet the New Markets Tax Credit program’s definition of low-income communities, and may include some adjacent tracts. The program will begin after the Treasury Department develops regulations, although by March 21 governors must submit their Opportunity Zone designations or request a 30-day extension.

Carson pledges to increase resources to rural America.
Wisconsin Public Radio reports that at an appearance in the state in January, HUD Secretary Ben Carson said he is creating a task force on rural poverty, as well as reviewing HUD homelessness assistance programs to increase aid to rural areas. HUD is not listed among the members of the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity, which recently released its report. HUD also recently withdrew the proposed rule for the Rural Housing Stability program, which would have helped address rural homelessness.

IRS urges hurricane survivors to consider EITC.
Workers with incomes under $53,930 in 2017 may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Survivors of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria can use a special computation method.

HUD considers changes to manufactured housing rules.
As it seeks to reduce regulatory costs and burdens, HUD requests comments by February 26 on its manufactured housing regulations. Contact Ariel Pereira, HUD, 202-402-5138.

RD multifamily housing financial reporting requirements clarified.
An Unnumbered Letter dated January 24, 2018, clarifies requirements – optional for FY18 and mandatory for FY19 – for owners of Section 514/516 and Section 515 properties. For more information, contact an RD State Office.

RD offers guidance on using design/build and construction management proposals.
Administrative Notice 4851, dated January 24, 2018, advises RD staff on obtaining National Office approval of such proposals for Section 514/516 farmworker housing or Section 515 rental housing projects. For more information, contact an RD State Office.

Census Bureau not updating questions on race and ethnicity.
The Bureau has announced that the 2020 Census will continue to use two separate questions to identify race and ethnicity. This decision overrules a Census Bureau recommendation last year based on research showing that minorities, who are historically undercounted in the decennial Census, are more likely to respond to a single combined question, reports the Coalition on Human Needs.

HUD invites comments on new reporting system for IHBG recipients.
Tribal leaders and Indian housing officials are asked for input on a new online system that will be implemented May 1. For more information, contact Frederick Griefer, HUD.

House passes bill to exempt more lenders from HMDA.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act regulations previously required all lenders with assets above a certain level to report on their lending activity; now, under new HMDA rules that took effect on January 1, 2018, reporting is required if an institution originates over 25 mortgages, regardless of its asset size. On January 18 the House passed H.R. 2954, the Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act, which would raise the exemption threshold to 500 mortgages. The Senate has not voted on S. 1310, its version of the bill.

Gil Gonzalez named RD Chief of Staff.
Gonzalez served in USDA Rural Development from 2001 to 2005.

Native American Creative Placemaking published by HAC.
The report presents some established Native American creative placemaking efforts, offers an interactive map of Native American creative placemaking projects, and lists funding sources.

Native CDFIs have high demand, need more resources, says survey.
Findings from the 2017 Native CDFI Survey: Industry Opportunities and Limitationsreports on a survey by the Federal Reserve System’s Center for Indian Country Development, designed to show NCDFIs’ resource base, scope of work and geography, and challenges. The study found NCDFIs are ready to deploy more funds but face challenges including funding availability and other resource gaps.

HAC releases report on USDA rural housing program activity in FY17.
The publication provides data for each program and for each state or territory. In FY 2017, USDA obligated 149,860 loans, loan guarantees, and grants, as well as 308,060 annual units of tenant assistance. The agency guaranteed over 137,000 Section 502 mortgages and issued over 7,100 Section 502 direct loans. About 38% of the latter went to borrowers with very low incomes. Multifamily Housing Preservation and Revitalization obligations dropped from 2016 to 2017, probably at least in part because some MPR funding was transferred to the Section 542 voucher program, which grows every year.

Webinars offered on financing Farm Labor Housing with USDA Section 514/516 funding.
Final Application Processing and Closing will be February 7, followed by Construction and Lease-up on February 24. Registration is free. Preparing the Pre-application was held January 24 and is now archived online. The sessions are sponsored by Tierra del Sol Housing and the Community Resources and Housing Development Corporation, and hosted by HAC. For more information, contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).

HAC News: January 18, 2018

HAC News Formats. pdf

January 18, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 2

Government shutdown or another CR are both possibilities • Rural Prosperity Task Force report issued • Trump signs Executive Order on rural broadband, House members introduce bills • HUD suspends fair housing rule, requests comments • House passes expansion of Family Self-Sufficiency program • Guidance offered on using Section 538 for Section 515 preservation • RD updates information on Capital Needs Assessment for rental properties • USDA RD single-family loan limits revised for some states • Affordable housing linked to opioid addiction recovery • Interactive map shows debt by county • MacArthur explains why educators, health professionals, and those focused on economic mobility should care about housing • HUD offers Secretary’s Award for Healthy Homes • Shonterria Charleston named HAC’s Director of Training and Technical Assistance • Three webinars offered on financing Farm Labor Housing with USDA Section 514/516 funding • HUD sets webinar on Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program

HAC News Formats. pdf

January 18, 2018
Vol. 47, No. 2

Government shutdown or another CR are both possibilities.
At press time, Congress is considering a continuing resolution that would fund federal programs through February 16, replacing the CR that expires January 19. It is also still possible the new CR will fail – leading to a shutdown of most of the federal government – because it does not include provisions such as protection for young immigrants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Rural Prosperity Task Force report issued.
USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue presented the report from the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity (see HAC News, 1/4/18) to President Trump on January 8. Affordable housing is included among several “quality of life” factors; the other sections of the report cover e-connectivity, the rural workforce, technological innovation, and the rural economy. The document notes the increase of rural housing affordability issues, especially for renters. Its recommendations are general, including developing a set of best practices, taking action on all levels of government, and incentivizing private sector resources in workforce housing. In the rural workforce section, the report recommends improving the H-2A visa program to “ensure that farmers have access to the lawful workforce that is needed.” HAC’s summary of the report is posted online.

Trump signs Executive Order on rural broadband, House members introduce bills.
On January 8, President Trump issued a Presidential Memorandum instructing the Department of Interior to allow rural broadband installation on federal property and an Executive Order requiring agencies to use standardized forms and contracts in order to streamline the process for these installations. Members of the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology have introduced the first of a series of bills that would reduce regulatory barriers to expansion of rural broadband infrastructure.

HUD suspends fair housing rule, requests comments. Jurisdictions that must prepare Consolidated Plans in order to receive HUD funding will not be required to produce Assessments of Fair Housing until 2020 at the earliest, HUD has announced. They will still be obligated to affirmatively further fair housing, using the Analyses of Impediments that will eventually be replaced by the AFH. HUD has posted answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Comments are due March 6. For more information, contact Krista Mills, HUD, 202-402-6577.

House passes expansion of Family Self-Sufficiency program.
On January 17 the full House approved H.R. 4258, the Family Self-Sufficiency Act, which permanently reauthorizes HUD’s FSS program, expands eligibility to include families in privately owned properties with HUD project-based rental assistance, and expands the services offered. The Senate version of the bill, S. 1344, has not yet passed the Senate Banking Committee.

Guidance offered on using Section 538 for Section 515 preservation.
An Unnumbered Letter dated November 21, 2017 explains to RD staff how to reconcile the procedural differences between the two programs, generally by using the most restrictive requirements from either program. For more information, contact a USDA RD state office.

RD updates information on Capital Needs Assessment for rental properties.
A 61-page Unnumbered Letter dated November 27, 2017 provides instructions and forms for owners of USDA-financed rental properties. For more information, contact Dean Greenwalt, RD, 314-457-5933.

USDA RD single-family loan limits revised for some states.
Area loan limits for about half the states have been updated. The remainder are expected to be revised on March 30. For more information, contact a USDA RD state office.

Affordable housing linked to opioid addiction recovery.
An Affordable Housing Finance article describes the importance of safe, affordable housing for people recovering from opioid addiction in both rural and urban areas. Residents and providers note that affordable housing connected to treatment can offer stability, supportive services, and sober neighbors.Unrelated research by amfAR, an HIV/AIDS research organization, demonstrates the nationwide shortfall in substance abuse facilities that offer all recommended medication-assisted treatments for opioid use disorder.

Interactive map shows debt by county.
An interactive online map shows total debt in collections and medical debt in collections for almost all U.S. counties, and compares debt for white and non-white residents. (Counties with credit bureau data for fewer than 50 people are not included.) The map also provides average household income and share of population lacking health insurance. The Annie E. Casey Foundation, which funded preparation of the map by the Urban Institute, notes that people in the southern U.S., especially people of color, are much more likely than others to have debt in collections.

MacArthur explains why educators, health professionals, and those focused on economic mobility should care about housing.
A brief article summarizes more than 20 studies funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation demonstrating the links between housing and education, health, and economic security and mobility.

HUD offers Secretary’s Award for Healthy Homes.
Applications are due February 28 in the categories of public housing/multifamily housing, policy and education innovation, cross-program coordination, and research.

Shonterria Charleston named HAC’s Director of Training and Technical Assistance.
Shonterria has held several positions in HAC’s Southeast Regional Office, including oversight of HAC’s Rural Capacity Development Initiative, its Veterans Initiative, and its training activities. Jeff Mosley, the former TTAD Director, left HAC for a prestigious Ian Axford Fellowship in Public Policy.

Three webinars offered on financing Farm Labor Housing with USDA Section 514/516 funding.
Preparing the Pre-application is set for January 24 at 2:00 pm (EST). Final Application Processing and Closing will be February 7, followed by Construction and Lease-up on February 24. Registration is free. The webinars will also be archived online for later viewing. The sessions are sponsored by Tierra del Sol Housing and the Community Resources and Housing Development Corporation, and hosted by HAC. For more information, contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HUD sets webinar on Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program.
The session, to be held February 13, 2-3:00 Eastern time, will cover how the program works, what types of issues it handles, federal disclosure requirements, and additional resources available to stakeholders. Participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance by February 6. For more information, email info@huddrp.net.

HAC’s loan funds provide low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, farmworker, senior, and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, and construction/rehabilitation. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at hacloanfund@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).