Entries by actualize

Rural Development Leadership Network Auction

The Rural Development Leadership Network is hosting an online auction to help promote entreprenuership in rural areas. For more information, visit the auction homepage at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/AuctionHome.action… Please Refer a Friend […]

Discussion Paper, Adaptation

CHANGE OR DIE? ADAPTATION FOR SURVIVAL Continue the Discussionby Lenora Jarvis-Mackey, River City Community Development Corporation, NC Background In these tough economic times, rural housing nonprofits cannot simply continue to […]

Discussion Paper, USDA

REDUCED USDA PRESENCE AND RESOURCES – HOW CAN RURAL HOUSING ORGANIZATIONS ADAPT? Continue the Discussionby Tom Collishaw, Self Help Enterprises, CA, and Selvin McGahee, Florida Non-Profit Housing, FL Background USDA […]

Discussion Paper, Partnerships

PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATION FOR RURAL HOUSING Continue the Discussionby David Haney, Wyoming CD Authority, and Marcia Erickson, GROW South Dakota Background Resources for community and economic development – both human […]

Discussion Paper, Policy

RURAL HOUSING AND PUBLIC POLICY Continue the Discussionby Joe Myer, NCALL Research, DE Background Rural areas are often at a disadvantage when addressing housing and community development needs because they […]