Entries by actualize

HAC News: June 10, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • June is National Homeownership Month • Congress begins reviewing appropriations bills • HUD offers Native American housing funds • Lead hazard […]

Calvin Beale

The Housing Assistance Council Remembers Calvin Beale Calvin Beale lived and worked most of his life in the city of Washington DC. Yet there are few people who knew more […]


President Signs H.R. 2786, Reauthorizing the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act Update October 17, 2008: On October 14, President Bush signed the NAHASDA reauthorization act into law. Read the […]

Reg Changes Section 502 G

USDA Rural Development Changes Regs for Rental Preservation and Section 502 Guaranteed Updated November 5, 2008: Two new USDA RD regulations were published in the Federal Register on November 4, […]


Information on HUD’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE HUD’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program Additional Information and Links HUD’S NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Update November 20, 2008. All NSP plans should […]


FY 2008 News on HUD’s SuperNOFA and Other HUD NOFAs Update: Section 202 Predevelopment Funds Available, Deadline Extended to February 18. Update: Continuum of Care Deadline Extended Again, to October […]


USDA RD Funds Available, FY 2008 Update September 24, 2008. USDA RD has announced recipients of 2008 funds under the Rural Community Development Initiative and Housing Preservation Grant programs. Update […]

FY08 Appropriations

Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill (UPDATED Jan. 22, 2008) Continuing Resolutions (UPDATED Dec. 20, 2007) USDA (UPDATED Dec. 17, 2007) HUD (UPDATED Dec. 17, 2007) Click […]

Rural Platform

Help Develop a Rural Housing Platform HAC is working with rural communities across the country to develop a Rural Housing Platform that is being shared with the incoming Obama Administration […]